9. Making New Friends

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No place or time is wrong. Every place is under the stars, every place is the centre of the world.

Listen to 'Love story' by Taylor Swift

"Girl you were awesome." One of the two men say. He is tall like Justin and I can tell he is jolly natured by looking at the humour in his eyes. He is young, younger than me probably. His hairs are brown, just like mine.

"No she was fabulous! I bet she is the second best shooter here." The other man says. He is taller than the first man by an inch. His hairs are also brown like the first man but his pace is thinner and longer the previous one's. But I can see some semblance in them.

"Hell yeah!" The first one agrees and they fist bump. I raise my brow at them.

"So you are the Katherine everyone's been talking about." The second man eyes me. "Not bad." He comments. "You're really cute!" He concludes and punches my arm. For him it may be a casual, friendly punch but man, that hurts!

"No bro, she's hot!" The first man cuts.

"Oh yeah!" They say together.

"Thanks. You already know my name, can you help me with yours? I don't really know many people around here." I look at Justin who is standing beside me for help. He smirks and shrugs.

"Sure, I'm Jayden."
"I'm Kayden." They both say one by one.

"We're twins." They say together.

"Not identical though." Jayden says. He is the chubbier one. He's not exactly chubby, I'm saying this as in comparison.

"Buzz off goof brothers." Justin comes to my rescue. I burst out laughing at his words.

"Whatever." They say together. These brothers reminds me of Fred and George from Harry Potter.

"See you around Katherine." Kayden says and winks. They both then walk to the door where everyone went.

"Let's go to the cafeteria. I'm hungry." Justin says. I nod and we start walking behind the brothers. During this whole episode, Chris escaped. I sigh. I really wanted to know his answer.

"Some insight on the goof brothers please." I tell Justin. I need to take my mind off Chris for a while

"Not much to know about them. They live on the fourth floor. One of the superiors. They might seem jolly and friendly now but whenever in a fight, trust me they are true badasses. One of the best fighters here. Deadly. You really don't want to see them during a real fight." By now we are in the cafeteria.

It's a really nice place. Well managed, neat and clean, better than my high school cafeteria. This place really amazes me. I wonder where they get all this money from.

I and Justin pick our plates and help ourselves with the breakfast. I take pancakes, fruits and orange juice. Justin meanwhile fills his plate from donuts and pancakes and he also takes a bowl of cereal along with it. I gasp on seeing his place.

"How are you able to stay fit while eating all that?" I question.

Justin shrugs. "We work out." He simply answers. "We'll sit there.." he points to a table where Alexis and two men are already seated. ".. with Alex, Victor my roommate and Greg, Victor's older brother."

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