000; ACT 2 \ HEART.

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jeon jungkook's best friend is a handful and a half. don't get him wrong, he loves the guy from the bottom of his heart. jimin likes to help others, and make sure they're happy and taking care of themselves; but he tends to get a little carried away at times.

jungkook on the other hand has always been a very independent person. he likes to fend for and figure things out by himself... he neither needs nor wants someone else to do it for him.

which is just where the problem in their relationship lies.

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after finally returning from what was quite possibly the most fast-paced lecture he's ever sat through, jungkook is about ready to just crash into bed.

he groggily lugs himself over to the closet and unzips his pants, kicking them off and tossing them into the laundry bin. then he grabs the first pair of lounge pants he sees and shimmies into those instead- a pinstriped pair that jimin had given to him two christmases ago. he said he "needed a pair that didn't have holes in them."

as of today, however, jimin's gifts make up like half of his closet. jungkook is very grateful for them, of course. if it weren't for his generous hyung, he would have been stuck with thrift store clothes for the rest of his life- which, obviously he still wears- but in only a few years since he's met jimin, the gifts heavily outweigh the clothes he actually purchased himself.

sometimes he can't help but feel guilty for it, though.

there are brand names jungkook doesn't even know how to pronounce hiding within his wardrobe.

just the perks of having a friend who comes from wealth, i guess.

once he's changed, jungkook decides he's hungry and, soullessly, wanders to the mini fridge to grab a snack.

his fridge isn't stocked with much, mostly leftover ramen, some eggs, kimchi, and redbull.

oh. and milk.


okay listen, jungkook is not a carton-drinker. his mom didn't raise him like that.

however, today has been quite possibly one of the most draining days he's ever had the displeasure of experiencing.

he wouldn't be caught dead drinking milk from a carton on an average day,

but it looks so good right now.

so he does what any lazy bum would do; uncaps the carton and takes a sip-

-or what was meant to be a sip, anyway.

"jeon jungkook, what the hell are you doing...?"

jungkook, much to his obvious chagrin, stops dead in his tracks and smiles sheepishly at the man standing in his doorway.

jimin makes a face at the carton of milk in jungkook's hand, then points at it with a finger and says, "that's disgusting! i mean, i know you said you wanted to bask in having a dorm to yourself, but if a roommate wouldn't drink your backwash, i doubt any guests would want it either, you know. have some manners, for goodness' sake!"

jimin makes his way over to jungkook in faint stomps and holds a hand out. jungkook complies and hands over the carton, which jimin screws the cap back onto and carefully places in the fridge.

jungkook grabs a redbull while the fridge is still open and sits down at his work desk. he starts to look over some papers and mark on them as jimin complains to no one in particular about a coffee stain someone left on the counter.

"i was going to clean it after i rewrote my notes, hyung. i was in a hurry this morning. didn't really get much sleep the night before." he knows jimin is already cleaning it off, though. he can hear the sound of disinfectant being spritzed and wiped down; but he tries to explain himself anyway, so jimin will stop fussing as he does it.


jimin clicks his tongue in the same way a mother would at her child, pinching jungkook's cheek, "please, kookie? you deserve to have some time off every once in a while. you're going to overwork yourself if you keep this up."

"and how exactly does a party count as 'time off', huh? that's even more stressful than working, if you ask me," he mutters, making a point to keep his eyes glued to the paper he's writing on.

jimin scoffs, "oh, come on! you had no problem partying a little when mingyu was here, let's not contradict ourselves."

jimin can see jungkook's grip tightening around the pencil in his hand. he chews on his lip as if he's holding something back.

"that was last semester. this is this semester. i already don't have much of an opportunity here as it is. i don't come from the kind of family you, or most of the people here for that matter, do. i have to take things seriously."


i'm sorry.

"besides, the only reason i ever agreed to those parties was because mingyu dragged me along against my will."

jimin nods, "i-i... i understand. i shouldn't have said anything."

jimin closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose.


i need to learn to be more careful around him. i'm just embarrassing him this way.

as if i don't do that enough.

a pair of arms surround jimin, and he sighs, leaning into the hug some.

"it's okay. i appreciate the sentiment. i just... don't have the time right now. maybe once spring rolls around."

the eldest nods, "okay. please treat yourself well though."


"i'll try."

"by the way, you've got a little-..."

jimin points at the spot above his lips, on his cupid's bow.

jungkook blushes and hastily wipes the milk mustache off his own face with the back of his palm.

jimin giggles.

a/n: this took WAYYY too long to complete, jesus
i ended up scrapping a completely different
chapter for this one instead, just bc the other
one didn't rlly make much sense and i????
hope this one does, idk

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