Prologue: First Step into Darkness

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There was a deep sense of unease in Emerald as she waited in a perfectly empty room, one that was illuminated on all sides and offered no indication as to where the door was. A Pearl had demanded her presence, but she was not just any Pearl. She belonged to Yellow Diamond.

Needless to say, it complicated matters.

Despite undergoing countless missions for the Great Diamond Authority, Emerald had never met any of them personally. It added to the welling anxiety of the moment. She paced around the room slowly, keeping her thoughts in check in the process. No one had told her why she was summoned, which made the wait all the more agonizing. Did she make a mistake?

Was she going to be shattered?

Emerald paused. She stared at the back of her hand, beholding the rectangular gemstone that contained everything she was, or will ever be. Mortality was a foreign concept to her kind. Somehow this waiting proved worse than any battle she had participated in. Thankfully, the door slid open behind her, and emerging from the blinding light was Yellow Pearl. She wore a stern face, watching closely for any hint of weakness. Finding none, she ordered Emerald to follow. They walked down a straight corridor, one that was utterly devoid of exits. Moving forward was the only option.

"Excuse me," Emerald spoke up. "Why has Yellow Diamond asked to see me?"

"I do not have the luxury to answer that question."

Straight to the point. Eventually they reached a circular pad on the floor, one with a glowing ring on the edge. It started to ascend a long, featureless tunnel of some kind. It was not a moment later that Emerald was face-to-face with Yellow Diamond, the colossal matriarch of Homeworld. Her massive form was remarkably sharp. Her glare reminded Emerald of daggers. 

Yellow Diamond was seated in a throne as opulent as she was fearsome. Emerald was awestruck, although a quick utterance of "My Diamond," by Pearl gave ample time to salute. The two of them crossed their arms to create the four ends of a diamond. Homeworld demanded nothing short of perfection in basic protocol. 

"It's about time that you showed up."

Hardly the greeting that Emerald expected.

"I-I sincerely apologi-" 

"Save it, Emerald. I have an assignment for you. All I ask is for you to finish the task swiftly."

Her eyes went wide with shock. This was the greatest honor of her entire life, despite the confusion that began to fill her psyche. Standing still, Emerald waited for further instruction.

"A colony in the Orion Nebula has ceased communication with us. It is up to you to find out what happened, and you will not return until this information is secured. Do I make myself clear?" Yellow Diamond snarled. It was no surprise that everyone respected her. It was never optional. Emerald meekly nodded in reply.

"Good. The planet is named Isthmi-Yous, where a large mining facility is situated. I've assembled a crew and ship in order for you to complete the mission. A Ruby, a Rutile, and an Amethyst ought to be enough for you to get the job done. Congratulations on your promotion." The matriarch's tone was odd, as if she was focused on some other matter. 

"Promotion?!" Emerald blurted out. Her pride turned to embarrassment instantly. It was only then that she noticed Yellow Diamond was looking at a hologram screen, preoccupied with something far more important. 

If only briefly, the matriarch turned her eyes to stare down the excitable Gem. Emerald stood fast at attention but was internally mortified. 

"Correct. The Parallax will need a captain, after all. That is where you come in."

The rest of the conversation went by in record time. A copy of the mission specs were uploaded to the Parallax's computers, and Emerald was dismissed. Anxiety turned to eagerness in a flash. As much as she wanted to cheer, Emerald had to keep her composure. This was the first step on a long and promising career. This opportunity would surely not be wasted.

A few hours later, Emerald was introduced to the Parallax. It was a majestic ship that resembled a crystalline spear with four rudimentary wings, and its length ran about sixty feet.  The honeycomb-shaped hangar was barely able to contain it. Onlookers gawked at the majesty of the vessel. Three large guns were placed at the bow, two below the bridge and one above, capable of vaporizing any foe that they might come across. Emerald's trance was broken only by the arrival of her motley crew. 

They were arranged by height, except for Yellow Pearl, who had gathered them in the hangar. She stood to the right of a proud-looking Amethyst. Said Amethyst was evidently the tallest/strongest of the whole crew. Next to her was Rutile, who appeared shy and reclusive from the way she avoided eye contact. Finally there was a haughty little Ruby, with a grin bright enough to put stars to shame. Emerald stood in front of them as any leader would.

She cleared her throat, trying to put on the guise of an experienced commander.

"It is a privilege to welcome you three Gems aboard the Parallax. As your new captain, I expect total dedication and obedience from all of you. We depart from Homeworld in the name of Yellow Diamond, so I shall observe you in the hopes that no one will disappoint her. Should I find your loyalty in short supply, you will be punished. Understood?"    

"Yes, ma'am!" replied all three in unison. Yellow Pearl smirked and left without saying another word, having found the attention to protocol satisfactory. Emerald felt all giddy inside, but her emotions would have to wait. A ramp stretched out from the ship and touched the floor, allowing every needed Gem to board. It would take quite a while to reach the Orion Nebula all the way from Homeworld. Perhaps Emerald could vent her excitement during the trip.

When Emerald stepped onto the bridge, she had noticed what roles her crewmembers would take throughout the voyage. Rutile was the pilot, which the captain felt was sensible. She needed braver Gems to actually inspect the planet. Ruby took charge of the weapons. Again, a natural fit. Rubies were better soldiers than anything else. Curiously, the remaining Amethyst opted for the engines. She seemed almost bitter about it, as demonstrated by a tired sigh.

It wasn't as exciting as the other two roles, but they were already taken. 

As Emerald placed herself in the command chair, Rutile turned around with an expression of pure panic. She ran up to her captain hastily, holding a piece of metal in her outstretched hand.

Cautiously, Emerald grabbed it, having absolutely no clue what it was.

"Forgive me, captain," gasped Rutile, "Yellow Diamond instructed me to give this to you. It fell out of the last ship that went to the Orion Nebula. One of her scouts found it drifting in space."

Trying to assert her authority, Emerald growled like a ravenous wolf. "Well, what is it?" 

"S-space titanium!" Rutile stuttered. She was a nervous wreck. "It's nothing like what we have on Homeworld. Yellow Diamond suspects that it has something to do with the colony's strange behavior." If her statement was true, this scrap was vital. 

"Duly noted. Back to your station!" Emerald angrily pointed toward the pilot seat. Rutile bowed and hurried back, readying the Parallax for takeoff. This mystery was theirs to solve.   

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