Chapter 5: The Pyramid

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"Commander Hessonite!"

"Yes, Sapphire?"

"Homeworld will be sending an envoy shortly. There will be an Emerald in charge. It seems as though they wish to inspect the base."

"I'm pleased to hear it. It was only a matter of time until Yellow Diamond showed interest in this planet," the commander said, staring out from the moss-caked window. Her stone tower had the perfect view of rolling hills and a dense jungle, circling endlessly around for untold miles.

The vines were steadily engulfing structures of Gem origin. Foliage consumed nearly every inch of the colony. It was like an animal responding to a virus, releasing antibodies to overcome the sickness. They had done so for months, forcing Hessonite to deploy her troops daily, cutting down the vines wherever they sprouted up next. 

Dafkuu was an abnormal planet. There was no fauna, no microbes, nothing except...


Hessonite had been studying the Edenic world for years. She was but a distant observer for much of that time, never able to get up close and truly find something incredible. Until now.

A point of light in the morning sky shone brightly. It was the Parallax, soaring loftily toward the landing platform to the northwest zone of the base. 

"Make sure they feel welcomed, Sapphire. I look forward to meeting this Emerald."


Between a twin pairing of waterfalls was a long, steel bridge that connected the landing pad to a glass tunnel. Vines and branches coiled around it as if to strangle the colony's so-called 'throat'. A Topaz kept watch over the area as the Parallax eased down on the metal surface. 

The landing pad itself hung over a deep trench, suspended by cables. A river flowed some hundred feet below, giving life to a sea of red, thorny flowers. Emerald parted with her ship and was met with the Topaz giving her due honor. 

This time, Rutile tagged along with her commanding officer as a gesture of goodwill. Pearl trailed behind, demonstrating that their intentions were peaceful. Hessonite might grow suspicious if warrior Gems showed up without warning.

"Welcome to Dafkuu! We are honored to have an Emerald with us!" declared Topaz, stoic as ever. 

"Likewise," chided Emerald. "This planet is of great interest to Yellow Diamond. I must speak with the ruling Hessonite immediately."

"Of cou-"

Hessonite emerged from the glass tunnel, only to take a bow. "I hope my guests find Dafkuu satisfactory."     

"It's breathtaking."

"Oh?" the orange Gem grinned. "You haven't seen anything yet."


Before she knew it, Emerald was standing at the base of a black pyramid that dwarfed most buildings on Homeworld. A golden cap pointed upward, making the total height of the mysterious object at 150 meters. Strange runes and lines were carved into the sides.

The lines were constellations, each connected to sparkling dots that changed color every minute. They went in order of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

"What is this?" Emerald gazed at the ancient marvel.

"I'm glad you asked!" Hessonite put her fists to her hips, standing tall and proud. "My researchers have estimated this pyramid to be millions of years old, outdating civilization on Homeworld. We don't know how it's still standing, or who built it."

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