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"Can I go to the bathroom" I ask Mr. Marais
"You never go to the bathroom in school"
"Yeah well I have to go like really badly" I lie
"Do you really have to go"
"No but I can't sit there anymore"
"Why can't you"
"You saw them walk in all happy. Last night he was with me yet this morning he left with her without even saying anything to me. I can't be sitting with something like that"
"Did you finish your work"
"What type of question is that. Of course I did"
"Show me"
"Okay then" I say turning around

I go back and get it out of my bag. I walk back and show it to him

"See I told you."
"Okay go"
"Thank you I'll be back in no less than 5 minutes I can't spend too long in that germ filled area"
"Of course"


I come back and unfortunately everyone else is finished. I sigh quietly to myself and sit back down

"Where did you go" Christina rudely says

I don't respond because I don't like her

"Im talking to you" she says rudely
"Oh me sorry" I say sarcastically
"So where were you"
"The bathroom where else would I go"
"I don't know I was just asking a question"
"A stupid one" I say to myself
"What was that"
"I said a stupid one"
"I could so beat the shit out of you right now"
"Beat the shit out of me then"
"No because then I'll get in trouble again"


Class is over and I quickly leave cause I don't feel like talking to anyone else

I go to my locker and get my books for math. When I shut my locker Corbyn is standing there

"What do you want" I say angrily
"I'm sorry"
"Yeah sure. You could've texted me you know. At least a nice 'hey I'm leaving you for Christina bye oh and by the way I never loved you thanks for telling me everything you would never tell anyone not even your brother who knows everything'" I say turning around and walking to math


I get to math and sit down and of course Corbyn walks in right after

I roll my eyes and take out my stuff

"You don't know the whole story" Corbyn says sitting down
"What is the whole story then Corbyn... cause from what I saw you guys looked pretty happy walking in together"
"She told me if I didn't get back with her she would tell everyone that you got raped and that your mom was the one who made it happen" he whispers
"Wh-why does she know about that"
"I don't know how but she does"
"Did you tell her"
"No of course not I wouldn't do that"
"Well I don't know"
"I'm just hoping she'll cheat on me because I really want to be with you instead"
"You could've at least texted me or left a note saying you were leaving instead of leaving me there afraid I scared you off"
"I know I know and I'm sorry about that can we at least be friends"
"Can we be friends that kiss and sleep together at night" I say hopefully smiling
"Sure" he says laughing
"Okay we can be friends then"

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