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"just go away I dont want to see you ever again. you made a stupid fight something much bigger than it should've been now leave."

"I didnt mean it"

"I said go away"

"im not leaving" he says walking closer

"if you do not go away there is going to be a serious issue"

"dont be mad at me I was just saying things out of anger"

"corbyn please walk away before I do something I regret"

"what will you do" he says getting really close to my face

"I will hit you"

"no you won't"

"y-yes I will"

"hit me then"

"I-i dont want to"

"exactly" he says walking away

"c-come back" I say taking his hand and pulling him back to me

he smirks and kisses me

"I dont like fighting with you" I whisper

"I don't like fighting with you either but I really do have to go home"

"But why? are you still mad?"

"I have to work on my part of the project which by the way you haven't even started"

"Oh no when is it due"


"Ugh I have to do mine and Christina's part"

"I'm sorry id help but I really have to do mine"

"Ugh Bye"

he leaves and I start my project

6 hours later and im finally done however it is also time for me to go to school

I am exhausted but I already missed School yesterday so I am unfortunately forcing myself to go



I go into math and sit down waiting for either Corbyn to walk in or class to start

after a couple of minutes he finally comes in but I notice somethings strange

his hairs a mess and he looks full of energy

"hey babe" he says sitting down


"whats wrong" he says out of breath

"nothing youre just full of energy and out of breath"

"oh um well I ran here"

"I see"

*advanced history*

I go into class and put my stuff down before going up to Mr.Marais

"im guessing you were going to call me up"

"yup" he says smiling

"so what is it today"

"I wanted to ask about yesterday. did you like packing"

"yeah I finished my room and I think we are doing the rest today"

"oh what other rooms are there"

"well theres my brothers rooms which are all done, the living room which is done, so I guess we have to do the kitchen, bathrooms, and thats it"

"are you guys selling the house"

"thats a question for Tyler I think we are"

"oh cool if you guys finish everything do you think you'll leave earlier"

"probably and then just come back to sell the house cause we already bought the new one"

"oh well thats all I wanted to ask"

*normal history*

I change from my advance to my normal seat and put my head in my hands to hopefully get some rest before dealing with all these people

"I cant believe he did that to her again" I hear someone say

"shhh she's right there" someone else says 

I quickly pick my head up and see Zach and Jack talking to each other while looking at me

"whos he..whos her..what did he do" I ask suspiciously  

"uh um Jack care to explain" zach says nervously

"he is no one. her is no one. and no one did anything" jack answers confidently 

"okay sure"

suddenly Christina and Corbyn walk into class together. hm something seems familiar about this 

"he isn't even good at hiding it" zach whispers 

"zach shut up"

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