♣️4 - Jared♣️

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4- Jared.
Dedicated to my on special and beautiful Babloo because it's her birthday
Photo of Dakota Fanning as Hannah on the side/media section
As I grew up, I began to change. I noticed girls and entered a new world. The transition between Primary and Secondary school was another adventure, one that I was successful in.
In Secondary school, there was a huge classing system for the girls. Looks, popularity and money was all included. For us, the boys, it was similar but to a smaller scale. Anyone got along with anyone and there were no bitch fights but the boys who were on top of the league got the better girls.
Haze and I were on top of the league. I had a few meaningless girlfriends, and Haze dated one girl for a while. But there was Jared. The shy and nerdy boy, who ticked every girl's box. Looks? He had a tall frame and deep eyes. Popularity? He usually kept to himself but his best friends were pretty popular. Money? Definitely. His father worked in London and sent tons of cash for him.
He was the lady's man. The one who dated girls above and below him. He was the heartbreak of the town, so when Haze found out his dates with Hannah, he went ballistic.
"Hey, Jared!" he called.
Jared turned around and approached us with a smile.
"What's up with you and my sister?" Haze asked, his eyes narrowed.
"Hannah's your sister? We're just friends, you know?"
Haze knew that if he got on the bad side of Jared, he would end being hated by a lot of his friends. So he played it safe.
"I want you to know... don't hurt her. You know, she's pretty young and...yeah"
"Yeah I get it," replied Jared and walked off.
"I swear if he hurts Hannah, I'm gonna..."
"Calm down, bro!" I told him. "She won't let a douche like him hurt her,"
Hannah was headstrong. She wasn't a little girl who annoyed us. She was smart. Smart enough to know that Jared was a player.
Smart enough to dump Jared.
Primary School - sort of like American middle school.
Secondary school - like American high school
Next update: More about Josh and Hannah! 2-3 days!
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