Chapter 2: Rouge Dove

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The sound of the rain drowns the clanking of Arch's heels. She suddenly stops to look around. She gets the feeling that she's being watched.

"Tch." She scoffs and suddenly a girl with a backpack steps out of the shadows. She has pink hair tied into two shoulder ponytails. She's a bit shorter than Arch and has rectangular glasses.

"Excuse me I'd like you to sign something for me." She said. She handed a sheet over to Arch and pulled out a strange pen. She pulled a wicked smile as she pressed the button. A barrier suddenly engulfed both of them.

"You fucking idiot!" The girl yelled and pulled out a hammer. It was soon evident that she was using quinques. She swung the hammer right and Arch barely dodged. The bottom of her hair got caught by the hammer and her braid suddenly fell apart.

"That's some nice hair you got there." The girl said. Her nose slowly drooped blood. Arch winced.

"What the fuck is this?" She asked.

"KAKUJA QUINQUES!!!" She shouted and jumped up. She slammed the thing down on the concrete, shattering it completely and destroying the barrier in the process. Arch wasted no time and started sprinting back to Harmony.

"GET BACK HERE BITCH!!" The dove yelled and pulled out another quinque. It was a curved staff. She aimed and fired an electric current towards Arch. She got stopped in her tracks and collapsed to the ground, shaking and convulsing.

"You really think I'd let you go that easy you dumbass?" She said. She pulled out the hammer again and slammed it down when she got smacked down by a shadow. Scimta came to the rescue.

"Wow you son of a bitch." The attacker said and whipped her weapon out again "DIE!!!" She shouted and fired the lightning bolt at Scimta who got stunned too. Meanwhile, Arch managed to get up. She was about to keep running when the dove kicked her into a wall.

"You know only a terrible investigator uses one quinque." She said and flashed her necklace "This thing makes me about as strong as you so game over dickwad." She said and belched up blood. Arch took the chance to fight back but her kick was  blocked by the Dove's hand.

"You dumbass." She said and whipped out her hammer. She pummeled her in the face and sent Arch flying. Meanwhile Scimta got up.

"Oh great." She said "I'll never get to rest." And whipped out the pen again. She jolted to scimta and raised the barrier.

"So. Any last words?" She asked and grabbed her hammer again. Scimta summoned his kagune. A blade that can slice through concrete that envelops his arm.

"Wow look. Another Owl." She said and jumped at him. She slammed her hammer down and Scimta blocked it with his kagune but it broke. "IT'S DEATH TIME!!!" The investigator yelled and swung her hammer again when a hand broke through the wall and grabbed her by her neck.

"No you." Arch said and kneeled her in the face. The investigator passed out and got dragged back to  Harmony.

She woke up tied to a chair and in front of an interrogation table.

"Your name." Pink asked.

"Why the fuck do you care?"

Pink's eye flared up and her kakuja mask covered her face "If you don't want to become processed meat then tell us." And she settled down.

"My name's Attila."

"Isn't that a guy name?"

"I am. It's just my false identity." He replied.

"Okay why don't we start by explaining these quinques they don't really look like quinques."

"The pen is a Koukaku type. It was taken by a ghoul from Rosé. The hammer is Koukaku too. Koukaku Kakuja. And the staff is Ukaku, pseudo electrokenisis."

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