Chapter 26

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It's been almost a week,still no news.Thomas Gilway hadn't called,and though I pressured mom constantly to call him,she wouldn't.

It was Friday night and Ross had suggested we take a walk to clear my head and it seemed to be working so far.

"I say we go to that carnival just out of town tomorrow,what do you think?"Ross suggested.I made a show of thinking about it."C'mon,it will be fun.We'll ride the ferris wheel,bumper cars,even check out the photo booth."

I pecked his cheek."It seems like you've already decided and just need me to tag along,"I teased.

"Don't pretend you won't love all the prizes I could win for you,"Ross said,cheekily.I feigned disinterest and he glared at me before pulling me close.He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I chuckled."We could-"

"Oh my God,Ross?"

Ross and I broke apart to stare at a really pretty girl making her way over.She swooped Ross into a hug,which resembled what someone will give to their lover after having been apart for a long time.Maybe I may have been exaggerating a little bit but the way she hugged Ross still made me feel uncomfortable.

When she finally pulled away from him,she looked down at me(yeah,she was taller than me).Her hair was a light brown,almost blonde,and curly,her eyes a mysterious greenish grey.Her style of dressing was comfortable yet stylish and she was pulling off what looked like a normal pair of blue jeans so well,she could pass off as a model.

"Who's this?"she asked,giving me a 'definitely won't last' look.I almost rolled my eyes.' walked up to us,you don't get to ask the questions.'

Ross slung an arm over my shoulders and pulled me close."This is Laura,"he said,then smiled down at me."My girlfriend.Laura,this is Nicole,a childhood friend."

Of course.

"Nice to meet you,"I said,sticking out my hand.Nicole forced a smile and shook my hand.

"Likewise,"she replied,and that was the end of it.She wrapped an arm around Ross' forearm."Remember Dylan,Nick and Jackie?Come with me,they want to say hi."

Ross was in the middle of protesting when Nicole started dragging him towards a group not far off.I sighed.

"The cons of dating Ross Lynch,I guess,"I muttered to myself as I watched them.

"That looks interesting."

I turned to glare at Victoria,who was smirking at me.

Okay,where did she come from?

"Can I help you?"I asked,turning back to look at Ross.He looked so happy with the group that I wondered what their history was.

"I don't think I'm the one that's gonna be needing help now that Nicole Adams is here,"she replied,her tone mocking.I remained silent,hoping she would just give up and go away.She didn't."She was Ross' first everything,before he moved here freshman year.Of course they couldn't keep in touch but that doesn't mean she got completely over him."

I rubbed my nose and contemplated my next words.I wanted to snap at her for telling me this but I kept my cool."I don't care about any of that,Victoria.Ross and I are together,"I finally said.

Victoria snickered."The only reason Ross got with you is because of your make-over,Laura.Look at Nicole,look at me.You should know what Ross' type is by now,"she said,and I didn't have to look at her to know she was grinning."If you don't believe me,you'll soon find out.I hope you have a nice night!"

I heard her turn and walk off,and I fisted my hands at my sides.I tried so hard to not think of Victoria's words but it was hard not to.There was only one thing to do now-prove that Ross liked me for me,no matter what I looked like.

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