Introduction - Sub list + a little about myself

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Hi there, i'm Stef, the writer of this subliminal log.

In this part of the book i'll let you know some facts about me and then the list of subliminals i'm using. If you don't care about me then just skip to the subs list.

I'm a 16 year old guy from Italy, actually i'm half Italian half belgian but i've always lived in the pasta pizza mandolino country.

Height: i'm 173cm, so i think that's 5'7 (correct me if the conversion is wrong)
Weight: 67kg - 147lbs (again, correct me)
Body fat %:I never measured it, but i think i'm around 15%ish (overall towards lean)

Hair colour: Brown with reflections of Orange/blonde. It varies depending on how short it is (every time i go get it cut it seems lighter, more blondish)
Eye colour: Brown. Again, the tonality can vary a bit
Beard colour: Brown (don't wanna sound boring xD), but a bit darker than the hair or the eyes.

Personality: i'm shy, i talk very rarely, not because i don't like talking or the people i'm with, but i don't know what to say. Often all i do is say yes. I usually don't talk behind people's back. It's difficult to get me to hate someone,  usually i don't, but it can happen.
I try to be nice to everyone, but i find it difficult to express myself.

Other facts: My favourite sports that i'm practicing are Parkour & Caliathenics, and also i'm going to the gym since January 12th.

I'm discovering the power of books and i'm trying to read a lot (maybe i'll write a wattpad story about that too but in italian)

I used to play a lot of videogames since age 10, now i'm trying to reduce the time by like 95%, i like Sonic games a lot, now that i'm on holiday i play some Sonic Mania Plus on my brother's Switch.

I used to watch anime in late 2016-mid 2017 but now i stopped. Just yesterday my best friend told me there's gonna be a new season of an anime we both liked so who knows maybe i'll watch that one

I like travelling and also sitting there relaxing for a bit and look at the landscape, but after a while it gets a bit boring so i grab a book or listen to music. I also like swimming (although i get tired pretty quickly) and beach volley a lot.

I have a few friends, and i seem to fail to understand people around me, especially girls (the majority of my friends are guys).
I have never dated and, looking at how things are, i probably never will.

I have trouble with speaking to people, i will have to teach elementary school classes next year for a project so rip me.

My biggest worry for now is actually making it to University (my grades are pretty good, but apart from that i think i'll still struggle a lot for the exam), finding a job and truly finding what i am and accepting it, because i still don't know myself.


Now for the subliminals that i'm using:

-Artistic combo by Miss Subliminals

This should help me with a lot of things that i really like but suck at them.
For example, it should help with creativity, drawing(i would love to being able to draw something decent), singing (my voice is decent but on a limited scale of notes, if i try to go higher or louder i sound like a dying elephant, higher notes are really my weakness), dancing (i'm trying to practice shuffle and jumpstyle, and maybe if i get those styles down first i'll start to breakdance also), and writing.

-Supernatural Beauty by Moonlight Matrix

This should improve my general looks.
I don't think i'm ugly like a monster but also i don't think i'm that attractive. I think i'm average, so a 5/10, maybe a 6/10 if i've just showered and dress well.

I would like to have a more defined jawline (i don't really have a double chin, but still a bit of fat hanging around there), lighter hair (with more orange reflections showing, but still brown), lighter eyes (between brown and gold/green reflections) and lighter beard.

Regarding muscles, i've been getting a bit bigger and more defined by working out, but still i hope this subliminal will help in my journey to get defined abs (i have a 7-8 pack but not aligned), bigger and defined pecs, biceps, forearms, shoulders and back.

Also strength should remain my main goal before looks.

-Get bigger penis by Subliminal warlock

I'm okay with my member, it isn't little, but maybe an inch/ an inch and a half more is welcome.

-Mega Ultimate Booster by Miss Subliminals

My routine is like this (help me correct it if it's wrong)

2x Booster

6x sub 1

2x booster

6x sub 2

2x booster

6x sub 3

2x booster

I plan to stick with these 3 subliminals for a month or two, now on holidays i have time to listen to the whole playlist while travelling by car everyday, when i come back home maybe i won't so i will have to trim the playlist. I've been listening for a bit more than a week already before starting this journal.

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