In the Castle Part 2

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        I feel like I'm lying on a giant marshmallow, but its smells like lavender. Everything feels heavy. I can't move anything and my bones feel like iron rods. My eye lids are heavy. Slowly I lifted them up. Pink. The first thing I see is a pink canopy. It is decorated with pink flowers of all shapes and sizes. I feel like I'm a toddler. Ugh. My head is throbbing and my bones feel like lead. For some reason I don't want to get out of bed. Something is wrong. I can feel it. My nerves are tingling. They sense hidden danger. Poison. That's it. I'm temporarily paralyzed. Lovely. And now everything gets to turn black. Yay.

        Green grass. Blue skies. Giant marshmallows that smell like lavender. Wait what. Marshmallows don't smell like lavender. This isn't Sammy's planet much less my home. What did I do wrong now? Oh, wait. That's right everything. The sole purpose of visiting Sammy anyways and I totally just messed everything up. Mental face-palm. Good going dingus.

        Three cheers for the sociopath who is also the idiot the messed up the universe. Yeah, that was me. See this is when Sammy come and slaps me for being stupid, but what's a Slytherin like me supposed to do? Be a Ravenclaw and actually be all brain with no cleverness? That would make everything so boring. 

        Personally I would die before I became a smart, witty person. Logic doesn't work well in different universes. I learned that the hard way. Let me tell you, running through three parelle universies pionting at normal things that are different and similar is probably the worst random idea I've ever had.

Note to self: Never do that again.

        Hey look there's a light over there. However going towards the lights is apprently cliché, so I'll hide in the dark and see what happens. Maybe there is a giant movie screen playing all the Agent Carter episodes I missed?

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