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Fitz gently shoved his sister, Biana, out of his way. Biana swatted him, "Don't be such a grump Fitz." She said giggling. He glared at her. "Or be one," Biana mumbled under her breath. Fitz pressed Foxfire and light leaped away, ignoring Biana's comments. 

Sokeefess, he thought. What a disease. 

"Fitz talk to Keefe." The voice said and Fitz nodded. 

Sure thing, he thought as he smirked when seeing Keefe by the light leapers.

"Waiting for Sophie?" He mocked Keefe. Keefe looked taken back. He looked at Fitz in shock and hurt.

"Are you okay Fitz? You seem a bit odd..." Keefe asked with raised eye brows. Fitz nodded.

"Dude we need to talk," Fitz said biting back his snapping tone. Keefe nodded and followed Fitz. Tell him the truth Fitz. Make Keefe mad and take advantage of that. Fitz smirked and nodded. They walked behind the trash cans. "Keefe you knew I liked Sophie!" He roared at him and Keefe took a step back.

"But Fitz she said yes to me." Keefe said angrily.

"And now no." Fitz growled and punched Keefe in the gut. That a boy. Keep going Fitz. Kick him. Keefe collapsed in pain in his gut and Fitz kicked him repeatedly over and over again. Keefe moaned and Fitz kicked him in a place that hurt so bad for Fitz too but not in the moment. Fitz then took Keefe's head and smashed it back down to the grass. Keefe lyed still and Fitz suddenly gasped was he died? Did he just killed his best friend. Fitz pulled his home crystal out and leaped away from his crime.

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Fitz pulled a note out that he wrote and placed on his bed before fleeing his house. Later Della walked in his room to sweep the floor when she saw a letter on Fitz's bed. She grabbed it and opened it.

Dear Mother,

Mama, just killed a friend

I beat him up near his head

Until he closed his eyes and was dead

But there's this inside my head

That made me do it.

Mama, life had just begun

But now I've gone and thrown it all away

Didn't mean to make you cry

If I'm not back again this time tomorrow

Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters

Love your son,

Fitzroy Avery Vacker

Della started sobbing as she collapsed to ground clutching the letter.

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Meanwhile Sophie appeared at school looking for Keefe who had promised to met her at the light leaping area. "Keefe?" She called. No answer as she walked around the big crowd of students. She saw Marella and raced over to her. "Marella? Have you seen Keefe?" Marella nodded.

"He was walking behind the trash cans," Marella said with a shrug and turned back to Stina and they continued talking as if nothing had happened. Sophie walked behind the big trash cans.

"Keefe," She called.


Sophie looked down at the puddle of water. Oh no that wasn't water. Her eyes widened in horror. The puddle was of blood. She dreaded what was behind the trash cans because she knew but it still terrified her. She walked around it and gasped. No...

And with that Sophie let out a blood-curling scream.

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