I "Love" Moving

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"So guys, today's the day! This was... supposed to be a normal live stream, but I forgot that I was, well am, supposed to... um, move today. So I guess this is just gonna be a, uhhh, a really chatty, casual get ready with me... LIVE!" I announce to my laptop, "I guess, just jeans. Jeans, jeans, jeans." I search for the jeans I left out, but I've lost them, "how the FUCK have I misplaced my jeans?! Hang on, I'll show you why this is so ridiculous, and if you can see them... shout at me, like Dora." I rotate the laptop to show a pan shot around my room, at the same time noticing my jeans. I pull on my jeans, find a t-shirt and grab my jacket, when people notice my pins, "YES! I am a KickThePJ fan! Um... it's about 11 am, and I haven't had anything to eat, and I need to drive into London, so, bye guys!" I sign off, sigh and grab everything left in the house, shoving it into the passenger seat of my moving van.

I climb into the driver's seat and grab a banana from my food bag, and started on my way, turning on some Panic! At The Disco.

~Time Skip~

I was stuck in traffic in Central London on the way to my brother's flat, and I thought I should probably text him to let him know I'm near.






Alice! Are you on your way?

I've set up the spare room for you

I'm just sat in traffic, but I'm about 5/10 minutes away

Thought you ought to know *faints*

You're a nerd

Five minutes later I was in the car park, and I started to make my way up to the flat, unlocking the outside door with my spare key. I knocked on the door, having hauled my unfit ass all the way up.

"Philllllll!" A voice yelled on the other side of the door, probably Dan, "Someone's at the doooorrrrr!"

The door was soon flung open, and Phil emerged, "Alice!"

I grabbed him into a hug, "Phil!"

We made our way back downstairs, having propped the door open, and we started carrying my shit up.

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