Assesing High School

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I frantically ran around my room, digging through mounds of clothes claiming I had nothing to wear for the first day. Well, sort of first day? You could call it a trial day, I guess. It was at the end of 2013, this was the day you got to meet your teachers fellow class members, school druggies, detention junkies, cute boys, heavily attractive out of your league seniors and future best friends.

I managed to put on my uniform within 5-10 minutes (admittedly I took another 10 minutes to perfect it) soon after finishing I remembered that the day was mufti. "shit, shit, shit, shit!" I murmured as I threw clothes around the room. "Hera honey, hurry up" Mum yelled from the kitchen. "I have to look perfect!' I thought aloud. Even though I could never look like a super model no matter how hard I tried. I don't consider myself ugly, I consider myself to be quite pretty. but I also happen to know I'm not a super model. so being the good character I am, I went to school wearing minimal makeup. (a few flicks of mascara did the trick, so I thought)

I also happened to enjoy dressing like a homeless person? Well, I didn't actually look 'homeless' I just looked... Bad. The colours were all clashing, the outfit was all 'too much' and the shoes were my only pair of converse. (that happened to be red) Along with the dark red, burgundy, brown and black woollen tights I had on. Only to reinforce the white and black T-shirt I had under my black cardigan. I looked the opposite of lovely, and I knew it. But what was the worst that could happen? I mean it's only a few people? I don't even like people that much?


After my Mum unwillingly dropped me off at my soon to be school. She drove me in her slippers and half dressed in pyjamas because a sleepy Dad was meant to take me. I stepped out of our family car, (Ford Territory might I add) I liked it if I'm being 100% honest here. it wasn't super flash, but it was no where near embarrassing to be driven around in. I waved Mum goodbye and slowly persuaded myself that today was going to be fun. New friends I thought to myself, just focus on making new friends.

Turns out it's quite hard to make new friends when you have a form class (or home room) full of your best friends and old classmates. We joked around trying to find hot guys in our breaks, unfortunately for us our form class had minimal 'game' we called it. after some tests and getting to know each other games it was announced that we were to be having our student ID photos taken soon. "Julie! I look like a mess!' I yelled at my best friend. "You look fine" she assured me. After many attempts to redo my hair I asked Lottie (short for Charlotte) how I looked. I had only met Lottie today but she had this strange thing about her that made her feel like she was already my close friend. Might I remind you that I dislike people very much. So I consider her to be a rather unusual specimen. After asking anyone in sight if I looked socially acceptable (yes, those are my standards) I had come to the conclusion that I looked moderately ok.

I found myself standing in front of the camera with a cheesy smile on my face. "Say cheese" The photographer teased. I kept my mouth in a tightly closed smile. "Whisky" she asked again. But I refused to cooperate. "Just open your mouth a little bit?" She almost begged now. I complied and unwillingly opened my mouth a tiny bit. "There!" she sighed as she took the photo. I lugged myself off to the side of the camera. I knew my ID photo was going to be awful. Some girls that I didn't know giggled as they looked at the computer screen where the photos popped up. "Was it really that bad?" I nearly yelled. They stopped giggling and looked at their feet. "God I hate people" I muttered under my breath as I walked out of the room.

I managed to find my long haired best friend Cameron, his long shoulder length hair curled up at the edges a little. Can't he just get a haircut? his usual outfit was a hoodie and jeans with converse on. It was a rare sighting to see otherwise. "Hera!" Cameron yelled over some unattractive seniors I didn't know.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2014 ⏰

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