Chapter 1

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(Authors note? Ok yea well this a Luke Hemmings fanfic so yeah! I suck at writing also so sorry!!)

Liz's POV:

Lukes name flashed on the screen just as I was about to turn off my phone as a slid my finger across the screen to answer I heard footsteps, but brushed them off as I assumed it was my dog, Baxter. "Heyyyy babeeee" Luke's familiar voice rang as soon as I answered. "Hey Luke-" I was cut off by my older brother Ashton walking into my room. I quickly tried to hide my phone under the pillow and greeted Ashton with a hello, me and him were best friends, him being only a year older than me. "Hey Liz, dad is on his way up, and he seems mad, just a fair heads up" he weakly smiled and walked to his room. "Shit what did I do now?" I thought to myself. "Elizabeth Morgan, we need to talk, NOW!" My dad's loud voice rang as he barged in my room, so much for privacy I thought.

Luke's POV:

I was used to unwanted people barging in on Liz when she was on the phone so I just stayed quiet while her parents went off on her, and man it was bad. "Do you think not turning in homework for 3 months is acceptable!? Is homework that hard?" Her father screamed. "Maybe if I got help on it sometimes" she fired back. I waited in silence for their ordeal to end, and after about 3 more minutes of screaming and tears it ended with the classic "you're grounded, I'll be taking your phone where is it?" He father said once he cooled down. "Uhmmmmmm about that" Liz stammered. "What is uppppp??" My roommate Michael yelled as he entered the room. Shit. "Liz what was that?" Her father said, his anger rising up again, I don't think he's a big fan of me. "Probably the neighbors, and I

lost my phone I'll find it tomorrow, night dad" Liz muttered. "Goodnight Liz" her father said.

Liz's POV:

"Luke baby I don't know what to do" I sighed, all my dad cared about was good grades and stupid shit that wasn't me. Ashton walked in my room scaring me and sat on my bed. "Hey Liz, I know dad's hard on you and all but you have got to get your homework turned in young lady" Ashton said, making me smile. "Hey Ashton" luke said through the phone, him and Ashton have become unlikely friends. "Oh I didn't know you two were on the phone uhh I guess taking you to get ice cream can wait?" "Oh no that offer will not be waiting, can you pick up Luke too?" I practically begged Ashton. "Maaaaayyyyybbeeee" he teased cracking a smile, "of course luke can come!" He finally answered. I realized I was in my pajamas halfway to lukes house and they weren't normal pajamas, they were embarrassing rainbow pants, the ones luke hated. "Lukes gonna flip...." Ashton half said half sung. "Hey he'll love it" I sang back.

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