prompt 6 - laid off

454 13 2

JD gets laid off from work


Veronica stepped through the door of the Dean apartment, shrugging off her coat. Both AJ and Troye were playing with blocks on the floor. Normally JD was playing with them, as his work schedule was a lot more flexible than her own. Veronica hung up her coat, and checked to see if the bathroom door was closed. It wasn't, meaning he didn't just have to go real quick. He wasn't in the kitchen or the living room either. 

"AJ, where's Daddy?" she asked, stooping down below next to her daughter

"In your room," AJ replied nonchantly, "he's been there all day. Me and Troye ate all the rest of the crackers, because when we tried to ask him to make us lunch he started crying and didn't move. He must be sick."

Veronica's face paled and and she grew nervous. When JD got sick, he normally just continued on the day. And he was crying? Something was definitely very wrong.  Veronica entered into the room she and JD shared. There he was, lying, barely moving, just like AJ said. Veronia noticed with alarming concern that he had his old trench coat on. She grew even more worried. He only ever wore that coat when he was upset.

"JD?" she asked.

No reply.

"Jason Dean!" Veronica snapped, really worried now.

He looked up at her. And he was crying. Just like AJ said.

"Babe, what happened?" Veronica asked.

"I got laid off of work," JD said, his voice cracking as a sob got let out.

JD turned and faced. She sat down on the bed next to him, grabbing his hand and stroking it gently. 

"Why am I such a failure?" JD grumbled.

Veronica laid down next to him and pulled him close to her.

"You are not a failure," she whispered into his hair, "you're an amazing father and husband and me and the kids love you so so much."

"Yeah, I wuv you Daddy," said Troye as he rushed into the room, his stubby three year old legs going as fast as they could.

"Yeah, me too!" AJ cried, also running into the room.

Veronica and JD sat up, and she noticed him gently slip off his coat. There was still pain in his eyes, but a small smile ghosted his lips as his son and daughter sat on each of his legs, giving him hugs. Veronica knew JD was definitely worried about money, considering their two jobs sometimes didn't pay enough for a lot of groceries or things they wanted. But everything was going to be okay. And as she watched him slowly start to smile when the kids began retelling every single detail of the day, Veronica felt content.

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