Pretty Criminal ~ F.W

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      My feet ached from under me as my heart rate for faster by the second. My mind was racing with a million thoughts yet i couldn't stick to one. I could the sounds of voices a far distance away. Not far enough. And once again my feet started moving faster and faster until i was full on sprinting. Never did i think i could ever escape that place alive. Granted, i was on a life sentence for the murder of over 3 people but i never thought it would be that easy to escape.

I was focusing on the running away and how far away i would go, not focusing on what was right in front of me. A boy. Our feet tangled together as we went crashing down onto the dirt covered floor. My hands fell on each side of his face while my body hovered above him. He looked up at me with wide eyes that held confusion and worry.

Finn's POV *a couple minutes before*

"No Finn, you can't go" Nick said rolling his eyes, i groaned and crossed my arms across my chest.

"Why not? You're going on a date right now!" I shouted

"Because I'm 20, you're 15 so by comparison, I'm older and in charge. And i charge you to go the fuck to sleep and leave me alone" I cursed under my breath and ran upstairs, slamming the door behind me. Even as a 20 year old, he's still the most immature person I've ever met.

My eyes drifted over to my bedroom window that was opened a crack, and an idea formed in my head. My not have been a good idea but it was an idea, nonetheless. I shoved on some red and white checkered vans and put on a white hoodie over my head. I placed a makeshift 'me' on my bed before making my escape.

A rush of energy flashed through me once my feet hit the ground as a wide smile grew on my face. That smile would've lasted longer it been for a  strong force tumbling over me.

Once i regained my vision, i could make out the face of a girl with y/h/l y/h/c and the most beautiful y/e/c eyes I've ever seen. But behind those beautiful eyes, she seemed shocked.

"I-I'm sorry" she stuttered, jumping off me. The sound of men shouting in distance caught both of our attention, but for different reasons.

"Please help me" she whispered fearfully,

"Why? Wha-"

"Please, they're trying to take me" she pleaded, i hesitated for a bit before nodding and taking her hand in mine and pulled her into my house. I already knew Nick had left for his date so i didn't have to worry about him asking questions.

After sitting her down on my couch and getting her name, i had more then a couple questions.

"So uh, what was that back there?" I asked taking a seat next to her on the couch,

"I'm sorry if i'm intruding but, i couldn't let them take me" she shuttered, i sighed and fiddled with my fingers. My parents always taught me not to talk to strangers but, this stranger happens to be very attractive. But then again, this stranger was running from something, or someone.

"It's okay, you're not intruding. And you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to" i smiled awkwardly, she sent me a soft smile and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She seems so beautiful and innocent.


I really wanna kill this kid right now.

But i can't. If someone in his family comes home, I'm caught. Or worse, the prison guards come,  my sentence will be removed from a life sentence to death row. I can't let that happen. So my best option right now is to play the victim card. Thank god i have amazing acting skills, I guess some traits of being a psychopath aren't so bad.

A constant banging on the front door caught my attention, my head whipped towards the door in fear. I am not about to get caught, not today, I've gotten this far and I'm not going back.

"Hey, relax. I'll tell them to go away, I'll keep you safe" Finn said softly, placing his hand on my thigh, i nodded and watched him walk up and open the door.

"How may i help you?" I heard Finn ask

Finn's POV (sorry for the POV changes)

"How may i help you?" I asked politely, three fairly large men wearing all black and bulletproof vest stood on the porch on high alert.

"Yes, we're looking for a girl about your age, yay high, highly dangerous" one of them said imitating a height,

"Dangerous? Why?"

"She escaped from prison about an hour ago, she killed one of the guards and stole some old clothes" pfft, 'killed one of the guards' as if. If they think I'm gonna fall for that, they have another thing coming.

"Oh that awful, i haven't seen anyone pass through here" i said innocently.

"May we come in and check?" One of the guys asked suspiciously,

"Sorry, I'm home alone and i promised my parents not to let anyone in. Plus unless you have a warrant, i can't let you in"

"I understand. Have a nice night and be careful, if you see her, contact 911 immediately" the man said before turning around and walking back to his car.

I closed the door and walked over to y/n who jumped up as soon as i walked in. Her eyes darted from me to the door before finally landing on me.

"Did-did they leave?" She stuttered, i nodded and walked over to her, placing my hands on each of her shoulders

"Yeah, see i promised you I'd keep you safe and i intend on keeping that promise" i smiled softly, she nodded leaned her head into my chest.

Even if she did escape prison. She is one pretty criminal.

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