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Hi guys, I don't want say my name for privacy, even if it's only a name (lol), but u can call me Lessie if you agree.
So, I'm turning to eighteen this september and I'm embarrassed because my english is not very well as it should be for me (this is my only opinion!!).
-Even now I'm helping myself with google translate for some inaccurate words and correct my grammatical mistakes, so i'm sorry for this.-

I was inspired by the film named "Me, myself and Irene" .
This film is about Charlie's story, his alter ego Frank, who prevails on charlie's work, and about Irene.
I've been checking some sites explaining multiple personality disorder, but I'm not sure that i'm completely informed about this argument, so I'm so sorry if this story isn't "perfect".
With this story I'm trying to improve my English in that way with the help of google translate, because I'm learning as much as I can.

I want to test myself, so you're free to keep reading this story and if you don't want read this shit, you can get out of this profile ASAP.
Thank you if you arrived here, I hope you'll like everything of this sHiT.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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