Even more akward situaton...

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Song listen to it while reaading thanks :)

***Riker POV***

''Maybe he love's you too go and run to him maybe he's waiting somewer for you'' I sould feel she smiled that made me smile too I felt like I have my other halve again. But wait i'm not falling for her.

''You know I didn't see your face but thank you, when I run off from him I felt like halve of my heart is gone but when your around I feel like I have it again, Thank you soo much.''

''You make me feel the same way.'' I smiled I still didn't see her face and she didn't seen mine ''I think that you should forgive him and tell him everything maybe he had a big problem and he couldn't take it. Just forgive him he might love you too '' she stood up facing other way I stood up as well I looked down feeling weird because i didn't see her face and she didnt saw mine

''Im vanessa, What's your name?'' When I heard her name I felt frozen and then I realised She was Vanessa and She was talking About me all the time.

I looked at her ''Riker'' She looked up and saw me she wanetd to cry but smile at the same time she just grabbed me and hugged me after a while she kissed me i missed it a lot. ''I Fucking Love You too Vanessa'' She smiled at me

''I fucking love you Riker'' and then We just kissed and kissed and then I realised she was talking about me so she was talking about being pregnant with me as well

''I have a daughter?''i stopped for a while she quickly turned around looking down again ''Yeah are you angry?'' she said I just come up to her turned her around and kissed her when we pulled away I said. 

''Angry? I'm the happiest men alive I have a daughter with the perfect girl.'' she smiled at me ''I like you in this dress'' she smiled.

''Even if its wet?'' she looked at it

''Your perfect in everthing and I'm proud to call you mine'' I said smiling she blushed ''And i love you then you blush'' i kissed her cheek

''And I'm proud to call you mine too.'' she then stopped smiling and looked at the clock she had with her ''Shit i forgot to pick her up, I'm sorry Riker but i need to go I see you'' i smiled and nodded and then she walked away.

***Ratliff POV***

When Riker came back and told me what happend I wanted to cry. It's like I was listening to the most romantic story. What I'm like dez From Austin and Ally I love romantic moments, That's why i wanted to propose to Rydel 12 years ago the day she run away it was our year anivearsy. I miss her loads.

Everynight I prey she would come back to me I would take even if she was ill or something I really love her I wanted to propose to her in paris at the Eiffel tower at midnight i even asked her dad and brothers +  her mom for blessing and the accept me.

I want to see her so much. Everynight I cry to my pillow till i fell asleep. Now everyone is happy even Ross and Laura are back together. I'm the only one alone. I don't cut it's stupid for me. I'm sad but I dont want to kill my self like a lot of children do. No I think it's stupid.

I would do anything to see Rydel. Those 12 years were the worst years in my live. And I'm stupid that I think she will come back she didn't come back after 12 years why would she come back now?

When she left my other halve of hert left with her only sometimes i feel weird like she's near me. Evertyime vanessa or laura comes to town I feel like Rydel was with her.

I wan't cry evertime i'm on stage I feel like's she's watching me so i need to try my best for her only her. I was alone for those 12 years and i mean it I didnt talk to girls a lot because it hurt but when i see a couple kissing i feel like i want to jump of the stage or cliff. Sometimes i want to run away and never come back as well.

And I feel I need to do it no one really needs me anymore everyone has a girl or a boy and the tour stopped so why not no one notice but if someone notice i just leave an note in my bed.

I packed my self I got everthing important and not that much i wrote a note and left it in my bed everyone is on a date so i was alone and no one will see me walking out, When I walked out i got a taxi and it drove me to aiport next stop.


***Laura POV***

I was with Ralph, Rock and Ross all day and it was so fun. we went everywere. We're going to the beach so i thought about taking Ratliff he looked alone. When I waleked to his bed i found nothing it was just a little note. That scared me a little now..

The note said

Laura I know your reading this first because your the only one that still remeber that I'm still alive and I thank you for that. Anyway I left I can't hold this anymore seeing all those couples on dates kissing or hugging it made me feel broken and missing something I miss my other part and by that I mean Rydel I didn't found her and I'm sorry and i know that if she didn't come back after those 12 years she will never come back. I need to change my live i don't want to be broken anymore I left you all and I hope you all have a great live I'm not important anymore so I didn't wan't to make you feel weird I hope we see eachother in the better world someday because i'm not coming back here anyomore.

I love you all and if you find Rydel tell her i love her the most and I will always forever she probley found someone she deserves her but just tell her i love her forever and always'

And don't worry i won't kill myself if you thought that I'm just moving out to forget about it.


P.S Tell Rock I tooke his last favourite cupcake


I was crying when i finishe reading it i tooke my phone and without thinking i called her.

Bep Bep Be

''Hey lauar whats up??'' 

''You have to meet with me quick really quick it's important''

''Ok I be in starbuck in 5 minutes bye'' and she hung up

*** 5 minuntes later***

I told ross everything and then rock of cours he's mad and confused about were we going he still don't know anything about Rydel.

We went in and i looked around to see rydel she was sitting in sit by window i walked up to her quickly and i just grabbed her arm i walked her out and in the car i shush rock and told ross to drive

''Laura were are we going what is going on in here?'' said rydel. I grabbed the letter out of my bag and i give it to her she grabbed it confused when she finished she give the letter back to me and she started to cry

''I need to get to the aiport now '' she shouted I was scared i never saw her that angry before, after 15 minutes we were the ariport we all walked out and run in really quick

''4 tickets to paris please'' she said quickly the woman give us the tickets and we quned to the gates really quickly rydel was first when she got her shose on she started to run really fast.

***Ryedl POV***

I was runing so fast i don't know how i ws breathing I love ratliff and i know he loves me too and i know he was going to paris were always talked about it it was our dreams. I saw a lot people walking I heard some of them call my name. I stopped and toke a breath.

''Do you know were Ratliff From R5 is ?'' i asked a girl she had a R5 neckles. her back was R5 bag as well.

''Yeah He went to the plane 5 minutes a go'' when i heard her saying that i quickly run to the gates but they were close and then i heard a plane going up i looked out of the window and a little tear come down my cheek ratliff is gone and its all my fault.

To be Continue...

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seee yaa

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