We pulled into the driveway. I got out of the car and faced the house.
I went to this one year acting school in Toronto. Both my brothers went when they were 14.
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I took a deep breath before walking into the door. I put my backpack down beside the stairs and took off my shoes.
I walked into the living room and my two older brothers Finn and Nick were playing a video game.
"HARLEY" They yelled. They dropped their controllers and ran over to me. They gave me a big hug.
"Welcome home" Nick went and sat back down on the couch.
"I've missed my little sister" Finn put his arm on my shoulder to show me how short I am. I rolled my eyes.
"Where's mom?" I asked.
"Kitchen" Finn responded. He walked over to the couch and started playing his game again.
I walked into the kitchen. Supper was on the table.
"Hey hun" my mom gave me a big hug. "How was the ride home?"
"Dad wouldn't stop playing rock music" I rolled my eyes.
I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. I walked over to the stairs and got my suitcase and my backpack.
I walked up the stairs and down the hall. I went into the room that was the second door on the right, my bedroom.
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My other suitcases were already in my room, my dad must have brought them up. I walked over to my nightstand and plugged my phone in.
"Super!" I heard my mom yell from he kitchen. I walked out of my room and down the stairs.
I walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. On the table there was chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, a salad and some carrots.
Finn and Nick sat at the table shortly after I did.
"So tell us how was it?" My mom asked.
"It was fun, they taught us so much. So many people kept asking me if I was related to Finn" I told them, scooping a spoonful of potatoes onto my plate.
"Oh yeah" Finn chuckled "what did you say?"
"I said no" I smirked. Finn stopped smiling.
"Harley, don't lie to people about who your brother is" my mom told me.
"Actually I get why she did that" Nick said with his mouth full of chicken. "If she didn't people would probably use her to get to Finn"
I nodded because that's exactly what I did. I want people to like me for me and not who my brother is.
We ate dinner then I helped clean up. After that I walked back upstairs to my room and unpacked.
Once I was done unpacking I sat on my bed and started texting my best friends, Maddie Ziegler and Lilia Buckingham.
Ma Girls❤️
Me Guess who's back in LA
Lilia Uh I'm not sure who?
Me Haha very funny.
Maddie Are you actually??
Me Yeah I am.
Lilia When did you get home?
Me Like an hour and a half ago.
Maddie We're hanging out tomorrow!
Me Okay
Lilia Yes let's do it!
Me My house right?
Maddie You got a pool
Lilia And a brother ;)
Me Oml Lil
Maddie used to have a crush on Finn until she got a boyfriend. We always tease her about liking my brother.
Maddie lived next door to us so it was easy for her to come over. Lilia lived not too far from us. We were the three musketeers.
Lilia and I were a year younger than Maddie. We would still always hangout at lunch last year.
I'm so glad it was summer. I used to dance at the same studio as Maddie and Lilia. We auditioned for the same dance team and all three of us got a spot. From there on we've became best friends.
I turned on my tv and watched some Netflix. I also painted my nails and put on a face mask. I walked into my bathroom. All of our rooms had their own bathrooms and walk in closets.
I showered then got dressed into my be my best pyjamas.
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I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a ponytail. I walked out of the bathroom and sat on my bed.