Not What We Expected

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Levis POV

Here we are sitting in the black van waiting for the security system to be breached, waiting to steal the 'precious jewel'  as Nile called it. According to its sources, it seems to be the main source of Nile's riches. Hanji pulls me from my thoughts, "Levi, the systems down," I nod,

"Let's do this people." I clap my hands together and we break, heading to our different points of entry. Erwin scales the wall to get to a window on the top floor, Hanji and I begin picking the many locks on the front door. After a few minutes the door swings open, and we enter. Hanji heads to the basement levels while I begin scoping out the ground level floor. I search through drawers and safes, stuffing anything of value into the duffel bag on my back, I work my way through the many rooms on the ground level floor, when I'm on the fifth I hear Hanjis frantic voice come through my earpiece. Levi! Get to the basement right now! I stuff the last stack of cash from a safe into my bag before I head to the basement. 

Hanjis POV

I check over the map of the place one more time as I stop in front of the basement door. There are many locks on the door padlocks, deadbolts, plus a few sash locks embedded on the door. But what was weird and what really drew my attention, the locks are placed as if they are supposed to keep something in instead of someone out. I jimmy the padlocks until they come off, open the deadbolts, and pick the sash locks. The rickety door swings open revealing a set of cement stairs. As I head down the seemingly endless set of stairs, the irony smell of blood and other fluids gets stronger. Once I finally reach the bottom, the basement is pitch black, I turn on a flashlight and the first thing that comes into my view is a large pool of blood partially dried around the edges but still wet in the center. What the fuck. I wave my flashlight around the floor, revealing more dried stains of blood and other fluids. The first object that comes into my view is a bed with more stains, of reds, whites and other colors, the next thing that comes into my view is a shelf with whips, ropes, gags, and various other sex toys. 

I'm now waving my flashlight around frantically trying to find the woman trapped down here. The soft clinking of chains draws my attention to a corner. I shine the light over to it and slap my hand over my mouth as my eyes widen in horror. A small boy lays in the corner, shackles, and chains bound around his ankles, wrists, and neck. He's huddled in the corner, laying in the fetal position. His tan skin is marred with cuts, burns, bruises, bites, hickies, and god knows what else. As the beam of my flashlight hits him, his eyelids open revealing the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. One is a beautiful mix of greens and blues, looking like the ocean, while the other is a mix of golds and silvers looking like a cornfield with swirls of Mercury. Once he realizes that someone else is in the basement he sighs, "If you're going to do something just do it." He rolls over so that he is facing the wall, revealing horrendous cuts most likely from the whips I saw earlier. 

I press a button on my earpiece, "Levi! Get to the basement right now!" I release the button not waiting for a reply. I slowly walk over to the small boy and sit down in front of him, I tap him lightly on the shoulder away from any cuts or blotches of purple. He turns to face me and sits up slowly. "My name is Hanji. What's yours?" He looks at me like I've grown two heads,


"How old are you Eren?"

"7" If my heart wasn't already broken it was shattered now. 

"Why are you here?"

"I got snatched." I hear the door open, Erens head snaps in the direction of the sound. 

"I'm going to make sure that's my friend, okay?" He nods slowly. 

Levis POV

I open the door to the basement and begin walking down the cement steps. Hanji soon appears at the end of the stairway. She practically runs up them and begins dragging me down into the dark. The smell of blood hits my nostrils about halfway down.  What the hell? Once we reach the bottom she shines her flashlight on the ground revealing multiple bloodstains. As she continues to pull me through the basement, her light lands on a bed, and a shelf full of torture devices and sex toys. She slows down considerably once we reach the end of the basement. "What the fuck Hanji?!" She slaps a hand over my mouth and shushes me, I nod reluctantly and she removes her hand. She slowly directs her flashlight to a corner an- Holy Fuck! Her beam lands on a small boy he's pressed himself into the corner, wearing nothing but a pair of dirty, ripped pants,  his tan skin is covered in burns, cuts, and blotches of purple, blues, and blacks, visible bite marks cover his neck and collar bones. Shackles are wrapped around his limbs and neck, his eyes are closed and his head is lolling to the side. Hanji releases my wrist and begins to pick the locks on the shackles. 

Once the last cuff falls on the cement she scoops up the small boy and begins walking back to the stairs. My mind is flooded with questions. What the fuck is going on? Why is he in the basement? What the fuck is going on? Is he the precious jewel? And most importantly, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! As we exit the house I see Erwin waiting by the van, once he hears our footsteps his head pops up, his eyes widen, and his mouth drops. "I'll explain in the car," Hanji says as she hands me the small child, I stand there frozen, cause I don't know what the fuck to do with a kid. She climbs in the driver's seat and Erwin opens the back, I awkwardly climb in and place the kid on my lap. The car starts and Hanji begins to explain, "So I only got to ask him a few questions, his name is Eren, he's 7 years old, and the reason he was down there is that he 'Got snatched'." She put the last part in air quotes, I look down at the sleeping child and study his features. 

His face was soft, every part of it perfect, his tan skin, his eyebrows, his lips, and his hair oh his hair. At first glance, it looks like a chocolate brown but the longer I stare at it the more I realize its more of a reddish-brown, kind of like a leaf in Autumn.  My eyes widen as I finally notice the great amount of blood pouring from the multiple lashes on his back and that his face is steadily growing paler. "HANJI GO FASTER." She looks back at Eren, 

"Oh, Shit!" Erwin has taken off his shirt and is ripping is into makeshift bandages. He ties multiple pieces of cloth on the small boy's torso.  The short ride back to the base is the most stressful car ride I've ever experienced. At some point, the bleeding slowed down and we all slumped against our seats, Eren nuzzles his face into my chest and makes a sound of appreciation in the back of his throat. 'Holy cock sucking Jesus this kid is adorable' I unknowingly run my fingers through his silky hair. 

As we pull up to the base Erwin opens the back of the van and we crawl out. We burst through the front doors, bolting through the house to Isabel's room. I'm awkwardly running up the stairs with Eren still passed out in my arms. I'm running down the halls and once I reach her door, Hanji begins pounding the ever-loving shit out of it. "Izzy open up!" When a sleepy-looking Isabel opens her door, she takes one look at me and her eyes are wide. She then takes notice of all the blood and everything seems to click into place. "Take him next door and I'll be over with my equipment." She slams the door in our faces, and I take Eren over to the room next door. Which happens to be my room. 

I gently lay him down on my bed as Izzy bursts into the room.

Isabelle's POV

I'm frantically rummaging through various medical tools and bandages, once I find what I need to stop the bleeding I grab what I need for a standard examination. With the medical supplies spilling from my arms I run next door to Levis room.  I burst through the door and shove Hanji out of the way, shooing them both out of the room. I make my way over to the small boy laying on Levis bed, I begin untying the strips of fabric tied around the boy's midsection. Once all the once white strips are off of him, I gently roll him over so he's on his stomach. I fight the urge to gag at the angry red lashes covering his back and sides, I pour alcohol on cotton swabs and begin cleaning the wounds. Once they're clean and all the excess blood has been wiped away. I begin stitching the deeper cuts. 

Once his back has been properly cleaned, stitched, and bandaged, I gently roll him on his back and begin examining his front. His ankles, wrists, and neck are rubbed raw and bleeding, he has two scars from stabbings and one gunshot wound that has already been treated. A giant bruise covers his entire shoulder and upper arm, and there is no end to the finer scars and bruises. I gently roll off his pants, blushing. There are multiple bruises on his thighs, and what horrifies me most is that on both of his inner thighs there are five, small, crescent, shaped scars, and they are at the ends of handprint bruises. Meaning that his legs have been held open in that position so many times that a person's fingernails have caused his skin to scar. 

This poor boy has been through a living hell an come out alive. I finish the examination and prepare to call in Levi an Hanji.    

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