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Once a pana a time, in a castle far far away there lived a Ben. Ben lived in a beautiful castle, filled with beautiful things, and his parties with the most beautiful people. One day, Ben was hosting a party. Everything was fine, until an unexpected intruder came, and offered him a single bottle of nail polish. For she was not a beautiful person, Ben turned the woman away, for he did not want a that bottle of nail polish. Disappointed by his responce, the old women revealed her true self. She was such a beautiful person. So beautiful, he asked for forgiveness, but it was too late, for he did not know how to treat another. As punishment, the woman turned Ben into a hideous beast. But, that bottle of nail polish, was very special. It was the purest baby blue holo you could ever find. If Ben could learn to love another and earn their love in return before the last drop of holo, the spell would be broken. If not, he would remain a beast forever. But who would ever learn, to love a beast?


"Good morning Cris."
Cristine rolled her eyes."Morning. What do you want, Matt?"
"Oh, I just came to give you these." He said, handing her the bunch of flowers.
"Oh, umm.. No thanks.." She said, pushing them away
"Can I join you for din-"
"Sorry, cant..." she said, slowly walking away.
"Busy?" Matt said, loudly.
Cris turned around, stood there, and walked away
Matt stared at her, as she did


"Holo Dad." Cris said, once she finally got home. "What are you doing?"
"Hello Cris. Me and Jen are trying to make a youtube video."
Cris scoffed "About what? You dont even know how to comment on youtube video. How the hell are you going to make a video?"
"Jen knows the what she's doing."
Cris rolled her eyes
"Anyways, I have to go now to the local farm soon."
"Do you HAVE to Dad?" Jen said, Childishly.
"Yes Honey. We need food so we can live."


Cris walked Dad outside, onto his carriage.
"What shall I get my sweetpea?" Dad asked.
"The purest baby blue holo you can find." She replied.
"But dont you have baby blue holo?"
"No.. You got copper holo last time. The one that looks like Zyler? Remember?"
"No, but I soppose.. I shall get you your baby blue holo."
"Thanks Dad." She kissed him goodbye, and he was off.
"Now," Jen asked. "How are we going to finish this youtube video?"
"Oh my god, Jen." Cris said, annoyed. "I dont care!"

*Authors Note*

That reponse tho.

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