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All of the antiques were only going down hill from here. They were turning less and less human everyday, but this was the last straw
"Adam. I.. I cant m-move." Mourice managed to say, as he was turning into the candelstick he was.
"That's alright."
"No really.." -These were his last words- "It was nice.. working.. w-with.. y-yo-you..." And he was dead frozen.
"It was nice working with you too, my friend." As Adam transitioned into the clock he was, and as all the antiques had just done at that moment.


As the angel had worked her magic, Cris stood up and watched the scene. Ben was finally going to live as human again. When he was put down, he was faced away from Cristine. He turned around and stared into her eyes. He walked up to her, as Cris held his hands, as they giggled a little. Their true loves's kiss saved the castle. Their had been a lot of work needed to fix it, but the little angel fixed it up during that moment.


It was only going uphill from here, as all the antiques had become human one by one.
"Mourice!" Adam said, as he became human again.
"Aye! My friend! Come here you." Mourice said, as they were hugging at that moment, and as all the other were.
Mr. and Mrs. Pots got reunited. Adam and Marie got reunited. Everyone got to meet their close friends and family, since the same crowd of people who tried to kill the beast came. Then there was Cristine and Ben. He greeted Cristine to everyone, and it was all just one big moment of joy.


Later that day, Ben called a beautiful party, since he and all of his friends were lifted from the curse. They danced the night away with their lovers, better than they ever could as house hold materials. It was all good in the end. Ben was not as mean as before, and everyone could enjoy being human again.

The end.

~Author's Note~

Congrats! You have finished the story. What did ya think?? Leave a comment down below, maybe giving more story suggestions, becuase I dont have any right now. Until next time!

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