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Alex's POV
It was bright and early, 6:00 am. I had this sudden urge to puke. I quickly pulled off the covers, running out of bed and to the bathroom. I began to vomit. I felt someone come up from behind me, holding up my hair as I continued to puke my insides out.
As I finished, Ryan handed me a wet washcloth.
"I love you, you know what that?" I smiled, wiping my mouth.
"We're in this together" he smiled, kissing me on the forehead. "Guess it's time for work" he helped me up off the bathroom floor. I washed my face and began to put on my suit, today was the day we figured out our undercover work.
"You ready babe?"
"Yep, coming." I yelled down to Ryan
At work
"Good morning Miranda" Ryan greets her, handing me a coffee.
"Good morning you too. Are you ready for your mission?"
I looked at Ryan and then nodded.
"Okay. There is an undercover drug op going on. We got you both in as buyers and sellers. We need you both to pretend to be a very wealthy couple, we need you to get to the head of the whole operation and take them down".
I turned to Ryan, he looked like he just received news that his grandma died.
"I'm sorry but we can't do this assignment" Ryan stated sternly.
"Why?" Miranda looked confused.
"Alex is pregnant. She doesn't need to be doing this line of work." Ryan put a soothing hand on my back.
"Well, congratulations, but I need people to do this and you too are the most qualified. I'm sorry but you don't have an option, your safety is our number one priority. Dismissed".
Miranda sat in her chair and started typing on her computer. Ryan and I walked out of her office and over to the coffee machine.
"What are we gonna do?" I looked at him with tears forming in my eyes. The last thing I want is to put my unborn child at risk.
"Listen to me" he put both his arms on my shoulders and pulled me into a hug "I will not let  anything happen to either of you, you mean to much to me".
I leaned up and kissed him, "I love you so much. You mean everything to me. I'm gonna protect you and our little nugget" I said, looking up at him with a smile. He smiled and put his hand on my stomach.
"I love you. I promise I will protect you also." Ryan pulled me back into a hug and we stood like that for what felt like forever.
Nobody's POV
Smiles will fade
Happiness will go away
Fear will take over
They will loose what they love
They cannot protect each other forever
Authors note
So sorry for not writing for the longest time! I got mouth surgery and have been bed bounded so I have a lot of free time and will hopefully write some chapters while I am bed bounded lol. Hope you guys enjoy and comment some suggestions of things you would like to see in this story!! Thank you for reading!

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