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n o t h i n g

Felix always had to leave the house when it was still dark, because he had to walk to the bus station.

And the nearest bus station was twenty minutes away.

Goodbye to the few extra minutes he could have stayed in bed and hello to the boring twenty minutes he had to walk to the bus station - almost falling asleep while doing so.

A small yawn left his lips and he rubbed his eyes.

His sisters always laughed at him.

Olivia laughed at him, because they went to different schools and she could sleep longer.

And Rachel laughed at him, because she already graduated and had her drivers license.

But he knew they loved him - somewhere deep down in their hearts, very well hidden.

Felix sighed and sat down on the small bench at the bus station.

It was autumn and you could feel the cold slowly settling down in your bones, when you didn't wear a warm jacket.

The orange haired boy had his headphones in and continued yawning.

School was cruel. It started way too early.

Even though he was listening to music, he heard the quiet crunching of small stones under shoes.

Every day Felix was sitting on the small bench of the bus station. And every day another boy was waiting at the same bus station.

But he never sat down next to him.

He was always standing a few steps away, not in Felix' sight.

A smirk formed on Felix lips and he blinked a few times again.

If he hadn't played video games all night he would've had more hours of sleep.

He cursed himself in his thoughts and let his head drop forward a bit.

Just for a little bit.

He was dozing off, gliding into dreamland again - but then the bus arrived.

He felt like as if someone had touched his shoulder, but Felix just shrugged it off - he was still half asleep.

When he sat down in his usual place, the row before the very last row, he felt someone holding onto the back of his seat.

Someone probably sat down in the row behind him.

Maybe it was that boy from the bus station.

The orange haired boy had his eyes closed and smiled a little.

Felix always stole small glances at the raven haired boy, wondering how he would be.

He would love to be friends with him.

But to him, it seemed like, as if the other boy didn't like talking so much.

He always looked at the ground when Felix sneaked a glance at him.

His smile grew wider the more he thought about the other boy.

Felix knew, that the raven haired boy looked at him and he heard his little giggles.

When the bus stopped in front of the school he opened his eyes and let the bones in his neck crack.

He was not ready for school - absolutely not.

But he had to get out of the bus.

One last yawn left his lips and he hopped out of the bus.

He could feel the stare of the raven haired boy in his back - and that made him smile.

"Hey Felix!"

Jeongin waved at he orange haired boy and smiled widely. How can he be so happy in the morning?

Felix' smiles from before didn't count - they were caused by a special someone with black hair and a really charming face.

"Jeonginie, how can you be the walking sunshine at this unheavenly hour?", the freckled boy whined and pouted.

The younger boy laughed and laid an arm around his friend.

"Well, Hyung, I'll tell you a secret now", he snickered and pulled him closer, "I don't play video games all night long."

"Wow", Felix said in a sarcastic tone and rolled his eyes.

"Hyung, Hwang Hyunjin is looking at you", Jeongin whispered excited and hit Felix' shoulder multiple times.

"Ouch!", the orange haired boy complained, "Stop hitting me, you hormone-controlled idiot."

"But he looks so good...", the younger boy whispered and his eyes were glistening like stars.

"Yeah...but the guy behind him is more my type", the orange haired boy mumbled.

"You mean Seo Changbin?"

"I don't know his name...but yeah, him."

Felix' cheeks were tinted in a soft pink but Jeongin didn't even notice it and started hitting the older boy's shoulder again.

"I've told you to stop!"

Felix pouted and stepped out of Jeongin's reach. That boy could hit hard.

"But, oh my god, he pointed at you!", Jeongin said and it seemed like, as if he would jump around in a circle any second.

"Who? Changbin?", the freckled boy asked and turned around a bit.

"No, you idiot, Hyunjin!"

Felix sighed and rolled his eyes.

He still looked into the raven haired boy's direction.

He suddenly stormed off and ran into the school building - his friend, who was still standing there and giggled, must have said something offending.

Or embarrassing.

Changbin's cheeks were red and he stared at the floor.

A worried frown formed on Felix' face and he had to fight the urge to follow him and ask him, what's wrong.

"Your 'oh so wonderful prince' said something not so nice to Changbin, see?", he said to Jeongin and laid an arm around the younger boy's shoulder.

"No, Hyunjin is a nice guy", he contradicted and crossed his arms, "Changbin is just following him around, because he has no other friends."

"Hey, that's mean."

"But it's true. Have you seen him talking to someone else besides Hyunjin?"

"No...", Felix said quietly and sighed, "but he will soon have another friend."

"And who would that be?", Jeongin asked and arched and eyebrow.

"You", Felix said and grinned at his friend.

The pure shock in Jeongin's face made Felix laugh and sigh at the same time.

"Me, you idiot."

"I almost thought you-"

"That I wasn't joking? Well...you could try to be his friend too. You have plenty of friends and having friends is a nice feeling", Felix said and dragged Jeongin with him, when he entered the school building, "so pull yourself together and be his sunshine too."

Jeongin looked up to the freckled boy with a questioning face.

"Of course not more of a sunshine than I am", the orange haired boy said and flashed a wide smile.


a/n: sorry, i had to repost, because wattpad didn't post the whole chapter ._.
And please don't hate on jeongin. He's a small baby xD

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