Meet Betty

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Quick author note: I am going to introduce the characters first and give them some back story then I will start the story so bear with. Also, story will get more interesting as it goes on so keep reading! Please vote and give me feedback. Also open to suggestions of friendships and relationships I should include.❤️❤️

Hey guys, I'm Betty. Betty Cooper. I live in a town called Greendale. Nothing exciting, just Greendale. I live with my mother Alice, father Hal, sister Polly and brother Chic.
          I go to Greendale high, as does my sister and brother. It's a rather small school right in the centre of Greendale and not many people go. The bad thing about not many people going is if one thing happens EVERYONE knows. That brings us to the current situation.
           I am not the most popular in the school, but I am quite popular. And if you vary from quite popular to popular that means your say matters. If you are not popular, in Greendale, your basically invisible. I have my best bestie of them all, Toni. She is a south side serpent so really, should be at Southside High. However, she lives in Greendale. But is moving to Riverdale soon to move in with a new foster family meaning that again, she is not going to attend southside high.
          We know all the drama, and when needed, we cause it. And that is what got us here. Anyway, on with the story.
           Rebecca Smith, the HBIC, has the most gorgeous boyfriend ever. His name is Matthew, and they have been together for three months. Yeh sure I'm a bit jealous, but so is everyone else.       
           Toni heard from a friend in biology, that Rebecca and Matthew had done it. Rebecca always makes out how she's so perfect and innocent, and multiple times she has slut-shamed girls in our school. So we thought, for all those things she's done to people it's time to expose this bitch. So that's exactly what we did.
            Did we get in trouble? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely. She was no longer controlling everyone and it was great. Unfortunately, we were now known as bitches who you can't trust, which isn't good. But I was moving to riverdale soon, as well as Toni and her new family. So we both have a chance to have a new beginning.

Author note: I will be introducing all the main characters first and giving you their back stories so it makes it easier to understand. Then the story will start.💗💗open to suggestions.

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