Shakeup or makeup

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             Jason: I gave u the money, now where are they?
Leon: just wait in patience, they will be with u soon.
Jason: I need them by tomorrow or else.
Leon: or else what?
Veronica gasped as she read them. Was Jason the killer of Leon? Leon was Jason's drug dealer and by the looks of it, didn't give him the drugs and took his money. The real question is, how far was Jason going to go to get those drugs? She quickly slipped his phone into her pocket and gave Betty the signal.
            Betty saw Veronica ask for the bill and that's when she knew to wrap things up.
"Jason, it was amazing here about your football stories. Thanks for your time."
Jason nodded and got up.
              Betty walked past their booth and Veronica slyly nodded at her.
"Jason, tonight was lovely. You were such a gentleman, but I'm sorry i have to go. Curfew." Veronica said giving a pouty lip.
"Oh right, that's okay. I'll see you tomorrow." And she got up and walked away. With Jason's phone.

               "Okay, reggie tell me everything that happened with Toni." Reggie sighed and started talking. After all, they had ages till they were home.
"Basically, due to archie and everyone I think she was feeling quite depressed. Yesterday she was off school and I kept coming to check up on her, I brought her lunch from pops but she wasn't there. There was a note saying she was leaving town for a bit to think and not to go after her."
"But you did, didn't you?"
"Yes Jughead, I did. I couldn't just let her go, she could've done something stupid like maybe try take her own life. You didn't see how depressed she was. She wasn't speaking, she had no expression on her face. So I tracked Toni down and she got mad that I found her. All I have done in this relationship is protect, defend, look after and much more for her. And I have received nothing back. Not even 'I'm always here for you reg' or 'I really like you' nothing. So I told her to come to me when she wants a proper relationship.
"Look, reg. I get why you are upset, I would be too. But you need to understand that Toni is hurting and she is trying to push away the people she loves the most?" Reggie looked up.
"What do you mean, jug?"
"No matter how hard she pushes you away, you need to stick with her. Because she needs you. And she's going to keep trying to distance herself from you, but you and Kevin need to stay by her side. Remind her that you are both there for her." Reggie nodded.

"Hey, B." Veronica whispered and looked around to check no one was watching them. She slipped the phone into Betty's hand.
"I think you'll be satisfied with what you find in there." Veronica smiled and walked off. Betty rushed home and got changed into her pyjamas. She sat on her bed and plugged Jason's phone into her laptop. Whilst waiting for it to load she picked up her own phone and called Jughead.
"Hey Betts, how did it go?"
"It went great. We have the phone plugged into my laptop. I'll transport the data then we will return the phone."
"That's so good, Betts. Well done. I'm less than 20minutes away."
"Is everything all right?"
"Yes, reggie is safe. Just a bit of heartache but that will be sorted out. Okay I got to go."
"Okay bye love you."
"Love you too."
Perfect. The loading had done. Betty had the exact same reaction to Veronica.

Reggie and jughead got out the car and headed to the trailer. Reggie forgot jughead and Toni lived together.
"Oh shit. Jughead, Toni will be in there."
"Come on, reg. you really like her and even if you didn't do much wrong you have to talk to her. Remember what u said to you."
Reggie nodded and took a deep breath and walked in.
"Reggie." Toni said standing up looking hopeful.
"I think I'll leave you guys to it." Jughead smirked and walked outside and shut the door.

Betty was busy looking through the door at 23:34pm when she heard knocking on the window. She froze, who was it? Betty didn't want to move, but they kept knocking. She slowly turned her head round, ready to run and to her relief. It was her boyfriend. Jughead.
"Hey there, Juliet."
"Omg, juggie! What are you doing?" She laughed whilst helping him in.
"I figured if I used the front door, it wouldn't of gone down to well with your mum. Am I right?"
"Thank god you didn't but shh you have to be quiet. She is asleep but she might hear you." Betty led Jughead over to her bed and turned the laptop towards him.
"Oh my god. This is some good stuff, Betts. Should we show this to sheriff Keller? Or put it in the blue and gold."
"I'm not sure. We could use it to make him tell us where Leon kept his burner phone." Betty said looking at jughead.
"Yes! Then we can get Cheryl to help repay for what she did, by her getting the phone from josies house over a sleepover or something."
"Yes tHat should be the plan. What a good team we make." Betty smiled and winked. Jughead lay down and pulled Betty down with him. She rested her head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around her.
"I'm so glad I found you. You are my soulmate. Before you came into my life, it was so dark, depressing, no escape. And now that you came in. I'm the happiest I've ever been."
"Juggie, I feel the same way. We were made for each other, and I just love you so so much."
"I love you too betts." Jughead kisses her on the forehead, and they drifted off to sleep.

              "Toni, we need to talk."
"Yes. I think we do."

This chapter took ages. Please vote and keep reading!! Tysm for 550 reads!!❤️❤️

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