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America's POV

I was happily running down the crowded halls of the White House. Today is the first time the world meeting is being hosted my me, and I was really looking forward to it.

I slowed to a stop when I got the feeling that I was being watched. I cautiously looked around the hall taking in every detail, every painting, every person, every pattern, every shadowy corner, everything, something tells me I won't be able to see this place later. After assuring myself that, the feeling's just from the workers I went on, but in a walking paise from the feeling still sticking to me like glue.

Not long after I was right in front of the door to the meeting. I shakily put my hand on the knob; I was really nervous and excited.

I was stopped by a hand placing a weird smelling rag on my mouth. I started to scream only to become tired. The attacker turned me to show a girl. I was too tired to tell what she looked like.

She looked down at me with a devilish grin,"nighty-night".


I woke up with a slight headache and I was strapped to a table. I looked over and saw a girl no old than 25. She was thin, had snow white hair, purple eyes, and wore a doctor's uniform,"good morning America, had a nice nap?"

I looked around and saw at least a dozen people, most likely working for her. I turned my head back to the girl with a glare,"who are you and how do you know who I am?"

The strange girl started walking behind the table,"oh, I don't think you need to worry about that~". I glared at the ceiling,"why do you say that?" She revealed herself, she was pushing a rolling table, on it was needles, bone-saws, you name it. I started trashing on the table screaming, fearing the worst. The girl took a small knife in hand. Her and two other men came closer, and closer, causing my fear to escalate,"no! NO! Stay away! STAY AWAAAAY!!!"


A/N: Hey guys!!! I love the fact that people are actually reading me stories!!! <3 I love you guy!!!

Ok, I know I haven't updated my other stories in a while and I might not again for a while, because my dad grounded me. I literally did NOTHING!!! My dad just comes home then takes away all of me and my brother's electronics. :(

Well, anyways!!! Please leave a comment if you want more and if you haven't already red my stories, go check them out!!!

I love you guys and some support would be nice! :> Bye my pichus !!! If you aren't a pichu, follow to join the army!!!

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