My name is DreamingNinja DUH! And I mostly write fanfictions, hitalia and minecraft, although I don't write minecraft and publish it as much, srry dudes. I love to RP (roleplay), etc. I have three friends on wattpad and the most important part about me...
Serious mode (on):.....I like skydoesminecraft, teamcrafted, tobuscus, and pewdiepie.......LOL!!!!!
  • انضمJuly 2, 2014

الرسالة الأخيرة
DreamingNinja DreamingNinja Oct 16, 2015 08:14PM
making a fresh start, yay! I've made a new account and will eventually delete this one. I might repost some stories but most is unlikely, sorry ;-;. I will submit every month if possible, though I'm...
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قصص بقلم DreamingNinja
Broken Eagle (ON HOLD) بقلم DreamingNinja
Broken Eagle (ON HOLD)
Hahaha!!! Rewrite! Okay!!!!! Our lovable Alfie has been keeping secrets from us~ with a weak and fragile ment...
The Darkness of the Past (ON HOLD) بقلم DreamingNinja
The Darkness of the Past (ON HOLD)
There is a new reincarnated enemy, but who is it? Is he/she also a filly? Who will take care of this pony/fil...
Caged Bird (ON HOLD) بقلم DreamingNinja
Caged Bird (ON HOLD)
America has been captured too many times by the same organization without the others noticing. I think it's t...
1 قائمة قراءة