Winston - Time

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Requested by @brookie215

By aligning herself with the bros, (Y/N) had practically isolated herself. Sure she hung out with Kaycee and Angela, sometimes Scottie but all she wanted to do was hang out with Winston. The only problem was that he was always with Brett. (Y/N) had nothing against Brett but it would just be nice to spend more time with her showmance.

"Oh hey (Y/N)." Kaycee said as she came out of the HOH room and found (Y/N) sitting in the game room playing chess by herself. "Why aren't you with Brett or Winston?" Kaycee asked, confused why (Y/N) wasn't with the two.

"They're having their work out time." (Y/N) said in a harsh tone, she didn't mean to sound that harsh. Sure she could have gone down and watched Brett and Winston work out but that didn't seem ideal. The two of them were like two peas in a pod. Whenever they were together it was like no one else existed.

"Oh." Kaycee said, unsure of what else she could say that would make the situation any better. She looked around for a second before sitting opposite of the (Y/N) with the chess board between them. "I'll play with you." Kaycee said with a large smile on her face, helping
(Y/N) reset the pieces.

"Thanks Kayc." (Y/N) mumbled as she started planning out her strategy out in front her heard, which was hard because all she could seem to think about was Winston.

Brett and Winston. Of course she had no reason to be upset. It wasn't like Winston could spent all his time with her. But it would be nice if he spent some time with her. She felt like the only time they spent together was in bed, sleeping. Apart from that it felt like (Y/N) hadn't talked to Winston in days.

"So who do you think is going home this week?" Kaycee asked about half way through their game of chess. Rockstar and Sam were both on trek block. Kaycee, being the HOH, had nominated them both and won veto.

(Y/N) shrugged, "I'll vote out whoever you want, it's your HOH." It honestly didn't matter to (Y/N) who stayed and who went. Maybe she had a small preference for Sam after Rockstar went around the house knocking pots and pans together.

"I'd like to see Sam go, she's going to be pissed that I put her up." Kaycee said, running a hand over her head, "Originally I wanted to get rid of Rock but I'm not sure that's a good idea with Sam being such a lose cannon you know?" She continued, barely looking
up from the chess game.

"Yeah, whatever you want works for me." (Y/N) answered, her mind still wondering to Winston.

Speaking of the devil, just then Winston and Brett came running up the stairs. (Y/N) and Kaycee both turned around to look at them, but couldn't make out what they were saying.

Winston looked up and saw (Y/N), "Oh hey babe." He said, he then rounded the back side of her chair and took hold of her shoulders. Winston then began pulling and pushing her shoulders.

"Hmmm." (Y/N) hummed in response, her eyes half closing as Winston massaged her shoulders. He knew how much pain she must have been in from yesterday's Veto competition.

"What are you doing right now?" He asked her, as if it wasn't obvious. She found that he always did this when he was looking to spend time with her.

(Y/N) then found herself slightly annoyed with her boyfriend, "Playing chess with Kaycee." She answered a little colder than Winston had expected. It wasn't fair of him to do this, ignore her for hours and then expect her to drop everything when he finally decided to spend time with her.

Winston drew his eyebrows together, "Okay, well do you want to go swim or something?" He asked, taking his hands off her shoulders when he realized she was in a bad mood.

"Are you sure you don't want to go swimming of something with Brett?" (Y/N) asked, her voice snarky. Her eyes were still glued to the game, not daring to look up at either Brett or Winston.

Winston looked over at Brett in shock before trailing his eyes to Kaycee who just shrugged at him. Sure Winston had been spending a lot of time with Brett, but he also spent time with (Y/N).

"Kaycee do you want to go get some food, I'm hungry." Brett said, trying to give (Y/N) and Winston the room. Kaycee nodded and proceeded to follow Brett away from the couple.

Winston sighed and took a seat across from (Y/N), "Babe." He said quietly, trying to reach across the table to grab her hands. She only moved her hands away from him and continued to look down at the game board. "(Y/N)." He tried again, but still she didn't answer him. Winston spoke, "Come on (Y/N) talk to me. What was that all about?" Now he sounded angry, he wasn't trying to be but the fact that she wouldn't say anything to him was making him frustrated.

"Nothing just forget about it." She said, crossing her arms over her chest. Now she was even more closed off from him than he before.

"I'm not going to forget about it you're obviously pissed at me." Winston said, leaning forward, trying not to yell.

(Y/N) sighed, "Of course I'm pissed at you, I haven't seen you all day and then you come up here and expect me to just drop everything and follow you around." She rambled on, her arms still crossed over her chest and eyes blazing into him.

"We literally ate breakfast together." Winston said, as if she had no reason to act like this. "And I didn't come up here and except you to do anything, I just wanted to spend time with you." He admitted, now his voice raising as they flared daggers at each other from across the table.

"Winston you literally walked up here and asked me to go do something when I was clearly on the middle of a game with Kaycee." She hissed back at him, this time leaning closer. Winston hadn't seen her this mad since the week that Scottie tried to take Brett and him out, her eyes were blazing but she almost looked like if he said one wrong thing than should would cry.

"Jeez (Y/N) I'm sorry I just wanted to spend time with you!" Winston yelled, standing up from his seat.

(Y/N) stood up too, tossing her hands in the air, "I've wanted to spend time with you all day!" She yelled back.

Both of their breathing was heavy as neither one of them said a word. Maybe they were both waiting for an apology, or just for the other to speak. Both to afraid to say something wrong and to ruin everything. By now the whole house was gathered either in the living room or kitchen, trying to listen into the lovers coral.

(Y/N) sighed, her face lightening, "Do you realize we're fighting because we both just missed each other?" She asked, her voice no longer mad.

"Yeah." Winston whispered, walked over to her. He let her grab hold of his waist before he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

(Y/N) presses her ear to his chest and listened to the deafening sound of his heart beat. Then she noticed how nervous he must have been when she snapped at him. She had been so afraid of losing him that she didn't even consider that he felt the same.

It was Winston who spoke first, "Im sorry that you felt like I was ignoring you." He mumbled into the top of her head. Winston then tightened his grip on her, afraid that she might slip away if he loosened his grip even a little.

(Y/N) took in a deep breath, "I'm sorry too, you have the right to spend time with whoever and I shouldn't have been such a bitch about it." She replied softly from buried in his chest.

"Yeah but you're the only person I want to spend all my time with." Winston answered, leaning down to kiss her.

Word Count: 1405

DM me for a request! I just need a few things!
-the houseguest
-you gender
-house situation(HOH and stuff)
-anything else you want me to know

Instagram: @agent.fangirl

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