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"Father? Why do you deem it necessary to marry this woman? I am old enough to obtain employment." Castiel inquires.

"Castiel, I don't want to put you in that position. Naomi and her money will be good for us." He explains. "Besides, her children are just around your age. You can finally have people to talk to and relate to."

"Father I enjoy speaking with you. If it is my company that irks you, I can speak to my acquaintances down at the market."

"You rarely leave the library Castiel!" He sighs heavily. "And I do enjoy your company but I want you to go out. Be a kid. Gods child, you are 13. You shouldn't feel the need to be so grown up yet."

"Of course Father." Castiel smiles. "When is your bride-to-be intended to arrive?"

"The day after tomorrow. Why don't you and I go into town to buy some flowers and gifts for our guests?"

"I would enjoy that greatly." Castiel runs upstairs to grab his coat and shoes. His father meets him by the front door when he returns.

"Ready?" He asks. Castiel nods and follows him out.

They walk in silence most of the way. Castiel observes the brightly colored leaves as they begin to migrate off the trees and onto the cobbled road. He looks for patterns in the foliage and imagines reasons as to why they fell a certain way. He is so focused on his self-given task, he doesn't notice that his father is talking to him until he feels a hand on his shoulder.

"My apologies Father. I hadn't realized you were addressing me." Castiel admits.

"I was just saying that is it pretty cold out and that your coat is becoming too small for you." He says.

"I am perfectly content with what I have." Castiel replies. "We are not in a position financially to purchase new clothing for me. I will be fine with this until next year."

"I will be married by then end of the week. I can afford to buy you a coat that isn't moth eaten and too short on the arms to cover you completely." He insists. "If it makes you feel better, we will go to that hand-me-down shop you like."

Castiel's eyes light up and he quickens his pace. When they arrive at Singer's Castiel races inside to find a coat he likes. As he is browsing through the racks of clothes he hears the nerve-grinding sound of Marv's voice.

"Your stupid long hair makes you look like a girl." Marv sneers.

"Princess Samantha!" Another boy says mockingly. 

That must be Fergus. Who are they tormenting today?' Castiel thinks. He walks over to them and sees that they are surrounding a small, long haired boy. They've backed the younger boy into a corner and he stares at them with a look that's both terrified and angry. 

"Leave him alone." Castiel says trying to sound commanding.

"Oh look at little Asstiel thinking he's so tough." Marv laughs.

"I don't think of myself as particularly heroic but I do propose you tormenting someone of more equal proportion to yourselves." Castiel counters.

"Proportion? The Hell is he tryin' to say?" Fergus says looking at Marv.

"I think he just called us fat using his old person talk." Marv snaps.

"Not in the slightest, I was simply suggesti-" Castiel begins to explain but they aren't listening. In fact, they have turned their anger toward him and they are glaring as if he has personally been the cause of every wrong thing that has ever happened in their lives.

A voice at his side startles him suddenly.

"Get out of here you filthy peasants before I call in the Royal Guard." The voice says.

"Sir!" Marv bows. "We were just leaving! No need to call anyone!" He turns to Fergus and grabs his shirt sleeve to guide him out of the store. 

'He must have tremendous pull to be able to frighten them away...'

"You too." Castiel turns to look at the greenest eyes he has ever seen. He gets lost staring briefly before he realizes that last command was for him.

"I.." He starts but the long haired boy cuts him off.

"It's cool Dee. He actually got those jerks to leave me alone first. I was just about to go find Sir Benjamin to make sure they didn't hurt him."

"This true?" The older boy, Dee, asks.

"Indeed. I was successful in halting their advances on the boy by switching their focus onto myself." Castiel explains. "I'll admit I wasn't sure as to what to do after they began to target me but I had hoped that whatever they had planned would take long enough for him to escape."

"How old are you? You talk like my grandfather." Dee says. He smiles softly before continuing, "It's pretty cool though. You must be super smart."

"I reached my 13th year in August." Castiel grins. "I don't think of myself as exceptionally intelligent but I do enjoy reading older novels in which the characters speak in a similar manner."

"Sammy here," Dee gestures to the younger boy, "Loves to read. I keep sayin' that he uses his hair to hide his big brain." Sammy huffs and walks away from them. Dee waits for him to be out of hearing range before saying, "That's just big brother talk for 'I'm jealous.'"

"I don't have any siblings as of current. But my father is about to remarry to a woman with two children. Her son is a year older than me whiles her daughter is a year younger. Are you fond of having a sibling?"

Dee seems to ponder this for a moment. "Yeah I am. It's the best feeling in the world knowing that no matter what, you got each other. I hope it's like that with your step-siblings."

"I am praying for that as well."

"Well I gotta get back to my chores but swing by anytime to say hello. I'm, like, always here. Bobby is my dad's best friend so he is basically an uncle to Sammy and me."

"I will remember that. Thank you Dee." Castiel smiles.

Dee opens his mouth to say something before closing it again. Finally he says, "Of course. I didn't catch your name though..."

"My apologies. I'm called Castiel."

"Awesome. I'll see you later Cas!" He yells over his shoulder as he makes his way to the back of the store.

'Cas? I shall ask Father what that means.'

Castiel continues browsing until he comes across a large, tan, trench coat. He pulls it off the rack and instantly adores the old thing. He hunts down his father to show him.

"Are you sure you want this one Castiel?"

"Indeed Father. I know it looks too large against my current figure but I presume I have quite a bit of growing to do and therefore I will be able to use this coat for many years."

"I don't mind buying you new coats when you need them but I can see you are quite taken with this one. I think you will look very handsome." His father smiles knowingly.

"That is a mutual assumption." Castiel pauses before asking, "Father? I was speaking to a young man of similar age to myself and he referred to me as 'Cas' though I clearly stated I am called Castiel. Why use a shortened version of my name?"

"It sounds like a nickname. You must have a friend. I am happy for you Castiel. Or should I start calling you Cas?" He laughs.

"I feel as if Cas is better coming from a peer. I am content with you continuing to refer to me as Castiel. Unless you prefer Cas."

"I named you Castiel. I think I'll stick with that."

They finish buying Castiel's new coat as well as some jewelry and flowers for Naomi. They decide to wait on buying gifts for Naomi's children until they arrive so that they can pick something they like.

When they arrive home, Castiel begins cleaning the house so it will be spotless for their guests. After all, first impressions are everything.

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