I had wanted to post this a couple days ago but I could decide where to end this chapter. Anyway, it's a little short but that in preparation for the next part. Love yah'll!

"Castiel!" His father calls. "They will get here any moment now. Are you ready?"

Castiel quickly finishes lacing up his shoes before grabbing his coat and meeting his father on the porch. They wait in silence for a while before the tell-tale sound of hooves on stone bring them to attention. A horse-drawn carriage comes into view on their drive before stopping in front on them. His father makes quick work of opening the door for the passengers. 

"Welcome to our home." He says. "This is my son Castiel. Castiel, this is Naomi."

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance madam."

"Nice digs daddy-o!" A boy says as he follows his mother out of the car. "The name's Balthazar." He says as he walks past them and into the house.

"Annael please get out." Naomi exasperates.

"The whole thing is just stupid. Why did we have to move? They're the ones with no money." She whines as she follows her brother into the house. 

"I apologize for her behavior. It has been a long trip." Naomi assures. "Why don't you show me around our home, Charles?" She laces her arm with his. Castiel begins to make quick work of gathering their bags from the carriage before tipping the driver. 

Castiel leaves the bags in the entryway and begins searching for his new siblings. He finds Annael in the bedroom they had made up for her. 

"Hello Annael. Is the room meeting your standards?" 

"Ew gross. Only my mom calls me that. I go by Anna." She glances around the room and makes a disgusted face. "This room is hella small and dingy. Is this really supposed to be mine?"

"Father and I spent many hours in an attempt to create a space you would find pleasing. I apologize for disappointing you." Castiel answered.

"That's another thing. Why do you talk like you swallowed a dictionary? Whatever. Is there a bigger room I can have?"

"Not as of current. The only larger rooms are already occupied by my father and myself." Castiel says trying to keep his annoyance out of his voice.

"Huh." She smiles but it seemed off somehow.


The day of the wedding was unnecessarily hectic. Naomi and Anna left for the salon just after sunrise. Balthazar left an hour or so later to retrieve his custom fit tuxedo. With the three of them gone it was up to Castiel and his father to prepare the house and yard for the main event.

Castiel puts on one of his father's suit old suits seeing as he didn't own one for himself. It hangs awkward on his childish frame and he sends out a private thanks for the fact Charles Shirley is not a large man.

The ceremony goes over quickly and smoothly. And before he knows it, Castiel is cleaning up what he spent most of the day designing. His new siblings are hiding in the house somewhere instead of helping like they were instructed.

As he looks around at the mostly clean yard, he wonders what Dee and Sammy are doing. He's never had someone want to spend time with him, well, apart from his father. Castiel makes a mental note to go to Singer's tomorrow. 


The little bell dings as Castiel pushes into Singer's.

"Welcome to Singer's 'It's not used just well loved.' How can I hel- Oh hey Cas!" Dee says walking up to Castiel.

"Hello Dee."

"What brings ya in? Miss me?"

"Indeed. My new siblings are... insufferable. I fear for my current mental state if I'm forced to spend more 'quality time' with those privileged imps."

Dee laughs. "Sammy and I fight sometimes but 's never that bad."

"The cause for our disagreements may be the fact I don't interact well with my peers. My 'people skills' are 'rusty.'"

Dee laughs again; a beautiful, full-bodied laugh. "I wouldn't say rusty. When's the last time you purposely hung out with people our age?" He asks. "Besides today." 

"To be quite honest, never. Though I don't have established friendships with any of my peers. I'm not even sure what it's like to have one." Castiel mumbles while staring at his feet.

"Have what? A friend?" Dee questions.

Castiel nods solemnly.

"Damn Cas you do realize that I'm your friend right?" Dee asks and Castiel looks up at him in curious surprise. "Scratch that. We are best friends." 

"Thank you Dee. I will leave you to your work."

"Alright." He says. As Castiel turns to leave, he feels Dee grab his shoulder. "I don't work tomorrow. Meet me at the big fountain in the middle of town and we can spend the day together."

"I will plan for it. Goodbye Dee."

"See you tomorrow Cas!"

As Castiel walks home, he finds himself smiling brightly as he goes over the conversation he had with Dee. He can't wait to see him again tomorrow.

~(Big time skip)~

"Castiel. Naomi has a friend the next town over that would like to give me work. I leave in about an hour and don't plan on returning for a few days. Can I count on you to be the man of the house while I'm gone?" His father tells him early one morning. 

"Of course Father." Castiel replies immediately.

"I need you here in case something goes wrong." Before Castiel can voice his agreement once more his Father says, "I know you probably planned on seeing that friend of yours but after almost a year of seeing him everyday, I think you can give it a break for 2 days." He laughs in what seems like an attempt to sound playful but it comes out awkward and nervous. 

"Yes Father. Are you alright?"

He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes. "It's been a long year for me. I am just nervous for this new job. I hate leaving you here."

"I'll be fine Father. I am nearly a man now." Castiel smiles confidently. "Go obtain that job! I'll see you in a few days and we can proceed to laugh about your nervousness together."

"Yes. Okay. I love you Castiel."

"I love you too."

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