13~ Purrs

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Lance woke up to a warmth on his chest, he feels it move and jumps in surprise. He looks down at the purple figure on top of him.

Oh yea, Keith had a nightmare, i almost forgot...again. He laughs, thinking about the bonding moment the both of them shared. Keith would always bug him about it, pressuring Lance to admit he remembered it.

Of course Lance remembered, But at the time, He was so confused about his feelings. He knew he liked Allura, but she was obviously not interested. Then, Keith shows up and starts treating lance...Differently? He made Lance feel like he was something, like he mattered. Keith had always trusted him, he never doubted his skills, which is something usually everyone does.

Keith began to move a bit, slowly fluttering his eyes open and looking around. He smelled something, it filled his nose with an intense fragrance, he snuggled up closer to the smell, wondering why it smelled so good. Keith then heard laughter. He looked up to see Lance, staring at him with those well known ocean eyes, Keith noticed how much prettier they would get every time he saw them. Keith immediately realized what he just did and shot up in surprise.

"Sorry! i didn't know it was you! w-why are you here?!" Keith yelled. His face was a dark crimson, Lance could only continue to laugh.

"You had a nightmare, so i came down and we fell asleep." Lance said, a blush highlighting his cheeks. Keith suddenly remembered the whole thing, how weak he was, how vulnerable he felt. Keith shook away the feelings, no not now, not in front of Lance, not again.

"So..you wanna go get breakfast?" Lance asks, Feeling extremely hungry for not eating for the past couple of days. Keith nodded, as they got dressed and walked out.

Keith had to tuck his tail in to get his usual clothing on, His jacket didn't fit correctly so he just went without it.

"Sup gays- i mean guys, what's going on?" Pidge asks, hunk laughs while finishing up making breakfast. Keith and Lance both glare at the little gremlin.

"Nothings going on, thanks for asking. and I just came to get breakfast." Lance says, dragging the I and heading over to Hunk. Keith just sits down next to Pidge and pats her head. Pidge sits and smiles, she loves having Keith back, moments like these were special to her, as she would cherish moments with everyone on the team, even her moments with rover were important to her.

Keith looks at Pidge, sensing her feeling sad, it's like since he got into his new form, he can sense everyone's emotions. They're faint, but he can smell them. And Pidge was giving off a sad sent. The sad sent smelled like rain, the rain was calm but it had a hint of spice, the spice reminded him of salt. He thought it was weird, but he decided to take action.

Keith tapped Pidge's shoulder, as she turned his way, he bent down his head. Pidge looked confused, then he saw Keith's ears twitch, signaling for her to touch them.

"A-are you sure? they look sensitive." She asks, Looking at Keith's new ears that have only fully developed a couple quintets ago.

Keith hesitates a bit, he knows that his ears are pretty sensitive, but pidge was sad, and he knew this would make her smile.

"N-no. It's ok. It just shows that i trust you. Just, be gentle." Lance hears Keith's words, not knowing what's going on. His face burns a bright red as he chokes on his drink.

not now gay thoughts!

"Yo Lance are you ok, You're looking pretty red over there?"

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