Chapter 6: Everything is Gonna be Okay

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Chapter 6

WARNING: Harsh language and inappropriate behaviors are seen in this chapter. DO NOT FOLLOW JAKE AND ERIC’S BAD BEHAVIOR!

Picture on the side is supposed to look like Jake's daddy!!!!! <3

In the last chapter---

 “DAD!” I screamed. I started shaking him. “DAD! NO! DAD! WAKE UP!! DAD!!” I kept screaming.

 “Jake,” Anna said calmly from behind me.

I turned quickly with tears falling from my eyes.

“I called 911. Everything is going to be okay,” she said as she walked up to me. She reached up and placed her hands on my shoulders, “It’s going to be okay.”

Chapter 6

“You…called…?” I asked slowly.

“Yes, Jake, everything is going to be okay. The ambulance will be here soon,” she told me with a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

She just kept saying that everything would be okay…I can’t believe that. I’ve been through too much shit in my life to believe anyone when they say---

“Jake? Please stop crying, everything will be-“

“Will you f*cking stop?! Just do me a favor and shut the f*ck up! It will NOT! Nothing is ever fine! Ever! That’s what everyone always says! ‘Everything will be FINE’ or ‘everything’s gonna be OKAY’ yeah right! I’m sick of getting f*cking lied to!” I screamed at Anna before she could finish her sentence.

Anna looked like she was about to cry and Eric had an off expression. I knew he was upset with me for that.

‘Shit! I can’t believe I just screamed at her like that!’ I thought as I heard footsteps coming from the hall.

“W-what’s wrong?” a young, tired voice asked from behind me.

I automatically turned around with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. I completely forgot!

“Ashley,” I whispered, tears falling down my cheeks.

Anna ran past me and grabbed Ashley, she looked determined now and no longer like she was about to cry, “I know you’re just upset right now, Jake, and I forgive you. I’m going to bring Ashley home and I will meet you boys at the hospital.”

She walked out of the door with little Ashley in her arms.

“Dude! What was that about? You don’t yell at chicks like that, she was just trying to help,” Eric said as he pushed me against the wall.

“Nothing is going to be okay!” I yelled, “It never is…”

He flicked my forehead, “That’s not true. You’re dad is going to be fine. Look, he’s still breathing and the ambulance should be here any minute. Just calm down, okay? He’ll be fine, and that’s the damn truth. I know your dad, I’ve known him for ten years, he’s a strong guy who’s been through hell and back, but you know what? He still manages to find a way to make it in this world. He still tries for you, Jake, aside from his heavy drinking.” He frowned, looking down at his skater style, neon green and blue, OP sneakers. 

I looked at dad. He looked like he was just sleeping, but he doesn’t look very good at all. His dirty blonde hair looked just a complete mess (which isn’t normal, Dad likes his hair to be nicely combed back, even when he’s drinking). He had bags under his eyes, he was really pale and he was sweating.

“Hello?” Someone called from the doorway.

“Yes! Over here!” I called back, “My dad is over here!”

Three medics rushed in with two EMT’s following with a stretcher.

“Okay, we’re going to have to get him to the Emergency Room as soon as possible. Are you two boys going to be at the hospital soon?” One of the medics asked.

“We’ll be there as soon as possible.” Eric told them, probably with the intent to yell at me the entire drive down there.

The medics took my dad out of the house on one of those stretchers and I heard the sirens as they made their way down the street.

“C’mon, if we’re going to get down there in decent time we have to leave now,” Eric said with remaining disappointment in his voice.

“Look, man, please don’t be mad at me. I…I’m sorry. I just don’t know what else to do when people try and push me to feel like everything is just ‘fine’. It’s not, it never is. Then, when Mom died---“

“Stop, Jake!” Eric interrupted me, “I care about you, bro, and I can’t stand you tearing yourself up like this. How come you’re talking about your mom so much now? You never did before.” He asked as he crossed his arms.

My eyes widened, “I, uh um, I don’t know.”

Eric just stared at me for a moment and rolled his eyes, “C’mon, let’s go.”

I put on my black and white converse and gray sweatshirt, followed him out the door and out to his van.

We drove in silence for about four or five minutes before Eric started down an unnecessary back road, “Where are you going?” I asked him calmly.

“I know you’re wicked on edge right now, man. I want to chill you out,” he smiled at me as he pulled a joint from his cigarette pack.

“I haven’t smoked in ages…” I started but before I could finish, it was lit and being passed to me. I just laughed a little and took it. The smell of skunk quickly filled the large van, relaxing me by the second.

Smoking marijuana or weed is just something I do to chill out. It’s not like I was pressured into it, by the way. I started on my own a few years ago and I don’t care what people say about it. It is the best medicine I have ever heard of. People can judge. I don’t give a shit.

“Some people knit…” Eric started before taking a hit, “others…” he coughed.

“Burn” we said together.

We kept going down all the back roads in town and laughed and rocked out to my Panic! at the Disco CD. I really got to relax for the first time in ages. ‘Thanks Eric’ I thought.

He really is my best friend, no matter how much of an asshole, horn-dog, womanizer, jerk… (well, I'm not going to go on anymore, you might get the wrong idea, haha) he can be.

We laughed and I thanked him over and over for doing that for me. I really needed to release some of that anxiety and stress.

When we got back to the main road I lit up a cigarette and tried to stay in my good mood. People say that when you smoke weed it’s just ruining your body. That’s a bunch of bullshit. I don’t feel like I'm ruining my body right now. I feel like I'm helping it. I’m keeping myself from my depression. People that are against marijuana usage can go screw.

Now, off to the hospital to find out what the hell is wrong with my father.

Eric then took another different road.

“Dude, we don’t have time to smoke again! We’ve got to get to the hospital!” I laughed, pushing him a little.

“I know, man, I’m going to 7-Eleven real quick to grab some munchies!” he laughed and gave his signature ‘hungry face’.

“Fine, but you better grab me a bag of chips and some Mountain Dew,” I told him with a smile.

“Code Red,” we said in unison and pounded our fists together.

“This is why you’re my best bud, you know that, right?” he asked.

“Hell yeah, bro!” I gave him a “man hug” (no homo).

“Alright, now go gab meh mah shnacks!” I said in a weird voice.

“Otay!” he replied in the same funny accent and ran into the store.

‘Yup, he may be an asshole, but he’s still my best friend,’ I smiled at the thought.

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