Chapter 7: Respect Your Elders

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Chapter 7

Kinda a short chapter, but it's! (:

"When can I see him?" I impatiently asked the 200 year old nurse.

"As soon as the doctor comes out. Now, can you please sit down?" She said with her hands on her hips and her dull lips in a wrinkled pout.

I shrugged, "I guess."

I sat down next to Eric who was eating his Doritos.

I took out my phone and decided that I should probably text Anna and apologize and tell her we're here.

[Anna, I'm so sorry about what happened at the house...I didn't mean to be so mean. I was out of line. I'm at the hospital now. /: ]

I stared at the text, determining if I should send it or not.


"Anna!" I involuntarily stood up and offered her a seat, "I'm so--"

"Don't. Just don't, Jake. I know and it's okay," she smiled at me.

I hugged her and before I knew it, I was crying on her shoulder.

I tried to wipe away the tears before Eric could see them, but it was too late. When I looked up, Eric was standing right next to me with a big creeper grin on his face.

"What the f*ck, man!" I yelled, laughing.

The nurse who told me to sit before was now staring us down with a killer glare.

I saw Eric, out of the corner of my eye, stick his tongue out at her and she made an expression that I can only describe as mortified.

I laughed, making the situation even worse, and Anna slapped us both.

"Hey!" Eric and I said together, rubbing our arms.

"Be nice to the elderly," she whispered, half laughing.

"The elderly isn't nice to me, I'm just returning the favor!" Eric said, sticking his tongue out at her again.

We kept teasing the old nurse and she had threatened to kick us out a few times as we jumped around the waiting room and danced to the soft hospital music.

"We aren't even following any kind of beat!" Anna laughed.

"So!?" I yelled.

The nurse came over and glared at the three of us.

"The doctor will see you now," she growled.

'Scary old bitch!!'

All three of us walked into the room, I was almost in tears when I saw Dad in that bed.

"Hey kiddo!" He tried to sit up but the doctor stopped him.

"After the talk we just had, didn't you learn anything?" The doctor asked him.

"Not really," he gave a smirk.

'Yup...definitely sober, but...what could have caused-'

"Jacob, I have been-"

"Uh, it's just Jake," I cut him off.

"My apologies, Jake, I have been examining your father and he seems perfectly healthy, but...he can't be drinking much anymore and he can't overwork himself job hunting either. I'm prescribing some calming medications," he started writing on a little sheet of paper, "Just stop at the CVS down the street and get this."

I took the sheet of paper and tried to read the doctors scribble handwriting, 'How can any human read this shit???'

"And...Jake?" The doctor called as he was stepping out of the room.


"Can I talk to you alone for a moment?"

"Sure," I shrugged, following the doctor out of the room.

Eric's POV

"Damn! That nurse was a bitch!" I yelled, finally getting it out of my system.

James laughed (K/B James is Jake's Dad...I'm not sure if I gave him a name yet...but it's James lol) and so did his dark blue eyes.

When James laughed, everyone would smile...that's always how it's been, but when Cathy, his wife, died...he stopped laughing...he stopped was so bleak.

He was always such a happy guy and then seeing him like that...tears running down his cheeks, kneeling at the foot of his wife's hurt like a bitch.

"So the nurse gave you a hard time, Eric?" He asked and Anna laughed.

"He was the one giving her the hard time from my point of view," she stated.

"No! Lies! James, you wouldn't believe this ginger over me, right?" I pouted and gave him my awesome sad persuasion face.

"Speaking of which, I'm sorry, I don't think I got your name?" James referred to Anna.

"Annabel Electra Summers, sir," she said cautiously.

I gave her an off look, " can just call her Anna," I chuckled.

"Yeah," she smiled shyly, he cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"So, how did my Jakey get so lucky to meet a beautiful girl like you?" James asked with a sly smile.

Anna just blushed madly and played with her hair.

"I told him not to keep pretty girls like this from me, but he just wouldn't listen...he's so greedy!" I wined, over acting.

"Shut it," Jake said from behind me, dropping his fist on my head like a hammer.

"Hey! What's Docs analysis?" James asked with a smile.

"Hm? Oh, nothing, he just needed to talk to me about school or something," he shrugged, "like I give a shit, right?" He laughed.

'He's hiding something....I know it.'

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