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005: dream

"And he said that we should audition to be KPop group trainees!" Jungkook said excitedly, as Y/N sat beside him in the front seat. 

"That's great," she replied with a smile. "You should do it."

"We will, hopefully, though not every one of us agreed with it."

"Who didn't?"

"Jimin. He doesn't want to do it because if he becomes a KPop idol, he won't be able to date anymore."

"That's just stupid," Y/N said, rolling her eyes. "He's missing a huge opportunity just because he wants to satisfy his... feelings."

Jungkook sighed.

"Is something wrong?" the female asked, looking at him with slight concern. 

"...Kind of," he admitted. He paused for a moment, focusing on the road as he drove. Y/N stayed silent, too, waiting for him to explain further. "Monnie-- Ah, uh... I mean, Namjoon, got into an argument with Jin because of this. And since Namjoon is supposedly the leader of our group and Jin is the oldest, it's not really making it easy to decide."

"Oh... I hope you're able to sort it out soon," she replied, smiling at him warmly. "Your songs are amazing, I'm sure you'd do well."

Jungkook kept his eyes on the road, but Y/N saw the corners of his pink-tinted lips curve up in a smile. "Thank you."

Silence hung in the air for a while, before the female began to recognize the streets. 

"Ah! You can just drop me off here, it's not too far. It's late, so you're probably tired."

"No, no, it's okay. I actually have something to do close to there," he said quickly. 

The car drove up to her house and Y/N got out. 

She smiled at Jungkook. "Thank you, and good luck."

She walked inside her house, closing the door after her. 


Y/N's eyes fluttered open. "Ah. That was a nice dream. For once. Except for the Jimin part."

She leaned her head back against the wall, thinking about what had happened.

"Johncock or whatever his name is was kinda cute. Is that what Jisoo's brother looks like? I never saw him, so I wouldn't know." She yawned, stretching her arms and looking over at the clock on her bedside table. "2 PM, huh? I should go out. Just because I finished school and it's cold outside doesn't mean I don't need me some fresh air. Also, I should probably stop talking to myself."

The female stood up hesitantly, suddenly having second thoughts about going out, where it could rain or snow any minute, when she could stay in bed, wrapped in her warm blankets like a burrito and drinking a cup of hot chocolate while binge-watching YouTube videos.

She forced herself to go into the bathroom and go through her morning routine, before changing into a warm F/C sweater and jeans, wrapping a scarf around her neck. She slipped on a pair of her favorite shoes, grabbed her phone and bag and left. 

Y/N made her way to the closest cafe, deciding to have her breakfast there. She then texted Jisoo, hoping she'd be able to share her small meal. Luckily, she replied a couple of minutes later, while the female was still standing in line.

Jisoo: I just woke up five minutes ago, but I think I'll be able to make it soon enough. Wait for me, 'cause I'm, like, half an hour away.

She frowned. Jisoo lives a few minutes away from her, though. Where could she be?

Finally, it was her turn to order. 

"Excuse me, could I get a..." She trailed off, staring up at the man serving her in shock. He looked similar... hadn't he been in her dream? No, that's weird. It can't be.

"Yes?" he asked in a pleasant voice, making eye contact with her. From the way his eyes widened, she could tell he recognized her as well.

A woman behind Y/N interrupted this moment. "Um, are you going to order, or..? Everyone here wants coffee, too."

"Ah, right, sorry," she said quickly, smiling shyly at her. She scanned the list of food items available and ordered a random drink that sounded good with a donut. Taking her food, she sat down at an empty table.

Who was he? I wonder what his name is. Wait, wouldn't he have a name tag? Ugh, I totally forgot about that.

She moved her head to the side, attempting to find him from where she was and see his name tag, but the line was too long. Whatever. This is stupid. He's probably like, an old classmate or something.

A sudden thought came into her mind. But what if it wasn't a dream? That seems like the most logical explanation, doesn't it?

Nah, I know myself too well. I would never agree to go to a concert -- or whatever you can call that -- late in the evening. 

She sighed, stirring her drink absentmindedly. Suddenly, a coffee cup was set down right in front of her, making her snap out of her thoughts.

"Hi!" Jisoo said, sitting down, a wide grin on her face. 

"Hey, what's up?" Y/N asked with a frown. She was used to her friend being optimistic most of the time, but this was too cheerful for her, especially in the morning. I mean, early afternoon.

"Well, uh, I guess, I think I'm in love?" her friend replied, her grin turning into a shy smile.

"Hm, really?" The female knew better than to be too excited. She already knew that Jisoo's love could be anything from a stray puppy a fictional and extremely unrealistic character. "With what-- I mean, who?"

A blush spread across Jisoo's cheeks. "Jimin."

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