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Pitter. Patter. Pitter. Patter.

The rain was hitting the window again, only this time it was much harder. I'm sitting in my room which I now do call my home, unfortunately. I have been stuck in this hellhole since he left to take care of some business, yet he just came home from work. When asked he will tell me it's none of my concern, as always. It must be nice to walk outside whenever you want and have the freedom to go anywhere.

There's that word again. . .FREEDOM!

I wish it was true, but I'm forbbiden to leave the penthouse without his permission or if he wants me to leave with him. Gosh, why me? Why must he choose me? I guess what I should be asking is why my father take out a loan, especially from him? If he didn't gamble his money away, neither one of us would be in this perdicament. Damn, why did he have to have a gambling problem. It wasn't always a problem, but when mum died. . . lets just say the casino became his new home.

In the midst of my thoughts I heard the front door open and close, indicating the man that took me is here. His heavy boot stomping up the stairs, it sounded like he was vexed, when is he not. I hear his steps stop right at my door. He opens the door slightly before sticking his curly afro head in my room, well more like a cell. The look on his face was hard, stern, and intimidating. His dark brown eyes are burning a hole in me as he stares at me hard. Even in darkness I can feel his stare, eerie.

"I just came to make sure your ass ain't decide to escape like the last four time", he said.

"How can mi leave when you have cameras and guards everywhere in dis damn place *cheups*" I said in an annoyed tone, rolling my eyes.

I then heard his footsteps come closer to me. Before I can even act, I felt a sharp and burning pain across my left cheek.

"Don't ever in your fucking life talk to me like that. Lets not forget who owns your ass" he spat.

And with that he walked out my room slamming the door behind him. I sat there crying, tears matching the same rhythm of the rain.

When will this end. . .

This is my first love story, so tell me what you think, what needs improvment, what will you like to see. Please comment or there may not be an update. Also be nice in your comment. I need constructive critisism, not malice comments.

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