Chapter 14 : Baby Problems

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"Why do I always get to carry heavy things even though you're obviously stronger" You complained , struggling with walking stably . Katsuki groaned and continued chopping the tree as he mumbled "you're useless , I just asked you to put them in the damn bag!"

You sighed as you dropped the wood in the bag as ordered , you glared at Eijirou laying a little far away in his dragon form "AND WHY ISN'T HE WORKING WITH US THAT'S CHEATING" you loudly complained as you crossed your arms .

"The little shit is sly , he won't shift to help cause he flew us here" Katsuki wiped the sweat that's tickling his chin as he sat to take a break , Eijirou gave you two an innocent smile before closing his eyes again and relaxing .

Today , Katsuki needed some wood , so Eijirou took you both to a far forest near a village . And then you began gatherinng wood since the morning . You sighed and walked away , mumbling "I'm going to walk around"

"You better not get lost" you heard Katsuki warn as you stepped away , you looked around , huffing at the hot weather . It was totally quiet , you could only hear the sound of your footsteps on the grass .

But suddenly you heard a shuffling sound that made you stop walking , you glanced toward the sound way . There was it , you saw an unknown creature that looked absolutely adorable . You don't know what that thing is but you found yourself kneeling down and touching it's head .

"You look like a puppy , but in a weird way.." you wondered but quickly forgot about it when the little thing rubbed it's head on your hand , your heart melted as you began caressing it , and the last thing you remember is that creature's sneeze .


Katsuki stood , carrying the full bag on his shoulder as he yelled "Y/N!! COME ON WE'RE LEAVING!!" he frowned when he didn't get a reply . Eijirou finally shifted back to his human form , his attention rising at the situation "I think she lost the way.."

The blonde sighed as he began walking the same way you went "such a pain , let's look around" he mumbled as the red head followed him . They walked deep in the forest while calling every two minutes .

Eijirou stopped suddenly "I hear something.." he mumbled before rushing away , Katsuki raised his eyebrows and quickly ran after him . Soon , a faint sound of baby cries echoed in the forest , which caused Katsuki to frown , what brought a baby in here?

The more they walked , the more the sound cleared . And they found themselves staring at a crying baby in the ground , your clothes were covering the baby's face . Eijirou went blank as he slowly mumbled "are you thinking of what I'm thinking?"

Katsuki blinked to the side when he heard a shuffle and immidiately recognized the creature "oh boy , it's definitely that" he face palmed himself as he groaned "y/n turned to a baby-" "y/n used her clothes to cover the baby-"

Katsuki stared blankly at Eijirou , who cleared his throat and awkwardly mumbled "yeah-I meant turned to a baby , yeah" the blonde sighed in irritation and slowly removed the cloth off , and there you was . You stopped crying at that and stared at them with big teary eyes .

"So how did that exactly happen?" Eijirou asked while kneeling to pick you up , covering you small body with a piece of your clothes . Katsuki sighed and started walking "there's a rare creature named prunc , I heard it temporarily turn people to babies , I didn't believe at first but now I'm sure it's real" he explained .

Eijirou smiled as you touched his hair in wonder "and how can we turn y/n back to normal?" he asked , Katsuki glanced toward them and shrugged "I don't know but if she'll be this quiet I seriously want her to be like this forever" he smirked as he took you from Eijirou's arms .

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