23. c o l d . f e e t

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  Isn't it lovely, all alone?
Heart made of glass, my mind of stone
Tear me to pieces, skin and bone
Hello, welcome home  



I took a deep breath in before ringing the doorbell. I had to wait for a couple seconds, Michael opened the door.

"Justin?" He said and his eyes trailed down, seeing me all dressed up in a black tux.

"What are you doing here?" He asked and I licked my lips.

"I...I'm getting married today" I mumbled softly and his face softened.

"You mean fucking up your life with your own hands?" He said and I slowly nodded, giving him the honest answer. 

He shook his head and exhaled loudly.

"Well, what brings your here then?" He asked.

"I want to talk to Bella, just one last time" I said.

"Justin she won't-

"Please Michael, just one moment with her please" I begged.

He looked at me for a second before stepping aside to let me in.

"She's in the bedroom" He said after I walked in and nodded.

"But please don't say something that's going to disturb her. She's uh..." He trailed as if he stopped himself from saying something and thought for a moment before speaking again.

"She's just a little tired, don't stress her too much" He said and I nodded.

"I won't" I said and made my way to her bedroom.

I knocked once before pushing the door open and going inside. I saw her get the duvet off her and sit on the edge of the bed but she stopped from standing up when she saw me. 

I couldn't even hold my tears in for a second after seeing her morning face and remembered the times I would get to see that everyday.

And now, this is probably the last time I see it.

I thought she'd get angry when she sees me but her face softened after she saw the tears roll down my face. I walked to her and kneeled down in front of her before grabbing both her hands in mine.

I didn't have the guts to look her in the eyes.

"It's my wedding day today" I said, my voice shaking.

"You should be happy then right?" She said but genuinely, not in a mocking tone. I instantly shook my head.

"I don't want to do it Bells....I don't" I sobbed and buried my face in her lap.

She let me sob my heart out for a good minute before she ran her fingers through my hair.

"You've made your choice Justin, there's no point in crying now, you have to think about this positively" She said.

"I can't!" I almost yelled but it came out muffled since my face was still in her lap.

"Justin stop crying" she said and I looked up at her.

"I hate myself" I sniffled and she chuckled.

"I hate you too silly" she said with a smile but I heard her 'I love you' in that.

She wiped my face with her hands and fixed my hair.

"Will you promise me one thing?" She said and I nodded.

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