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The world is cold and dark. The wind, a howling wolf, calling for its lost kin. Leaving your past behind, others look at you, study.

You're a piece of a puzzle, waiting to be solved. But there's so much more to life, than a simple equation. So much more.

You're a piece of history, for others to examine, you leave a mark. Or you don't and you turn to dust, instead of the gold, you should have been. There's so much more to life than that. So much more.

You're a leader, giving speeches, a famous athlete, or a famous millionaire, successful in your own achievements. There's so much more to life than that. So much more.

Life is not about success, life is not about fame or science. It is about helping others, know what is the truth, and what isn't. People think science is the truth, but science is not always correct. Life is so much more than science. Know the truth, for life, is so much more...

Life is not about leaving a mark in the world, but about leaving a mark, that will help others know the truth. Give it your all, and the world can be a better place, to help others in need. It's so much more. So much more than a simple SMILE, but help. Help. But life is still so much more than that. 

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