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The library was crowded with students when Cassie arrived. Angelina was waiting for her at a table not far from the Potions section, which they needed to consult. They were working on an essay for Snape, who didn't seem to be in a good mood, as it was three pages long.

"Rumour says that Professor Lupin somehow ridiculed Snape in front of his whole third-year class." Angelina whispered as soon as her friend sat down.

Cassie's eyebrows shot up in surprise, leaning in to avoid being heard by Madam Pince.


"Apparently something to do with a boggart and someone's grandmother." The chaser explained, sucking on the tip of her quill. "I'd pay to see that, to be honest."

Her friend nodded in agreement, stifling a small laugh. Snape was her least favourite teacher, and she didn't understand how he hadn't been fired yet for bullying students. He was the worst with Gryffindors, and Cassie hadn't been the exception to that. Luckily, she wasn't that bad at Potions, so he didn't have much to scowl at.

"What's the book we need again?" She asked, standing up.

Angelina shrugged.

"I don't know. Something about the Draught of Peace I think."

"Way to go." Cassie snickered. Angelina shot her a cheeky grin and went back to her work.

Almost two hours later, the two girls were still working on their essays. Cassie had managed to make her way halfway through, but Angelina was stuck in one of the first paragraphs.

"I think I'm going to have dinner and I'll deal with this later." The braided girl announced, supressing a yawn. "You coming?"

Cassie pondered for a moment but decided against the idea.

"I don't think so, maybe I'll go when I finish this."

"See you in ten years then." Angelina joked, making Cassie chuckle lightly.

After she left, the red-headed girl continued working her way through the essay, unaware of the passing of time. Soon, she was the only student still in the library, or so she thought.

"Skipping meals isn't good for your health, Moore."

Startled, Cassie dropped her quill, leaving ink stains all over the parchment she was writing on. In front of her was one of the Weasley twins, a book under his arm and a mischievous smile on his freckled face.

"I have to finish this." She grumbled, trying to go back to her essay, but to no avail, as the boy snatched it from her hands and read it quickly, arching an eyebrow.

"Potions, huh?" He snickered. "Didn't know we had homework."

"Stop it." The girl looked around them, suddenly realising they were the only two people in the area. "Where is your brother?"

He smirked again, half-sitting in one corner of the wooden table.

"Ronald?" His face contorted into a fake thoughtful expression. "Having dinner, I suppose."

Cassie sighed in annoyance.

"Your twin brother."

The boy chuckled again, playing with a quill he had stolen from her bag.

"Why would you want to know that? You fancy him?"

Cassie sighed again, crossing her arms.

"I can't even tell you apart half of the time, let alone fancy one of you."

"Fine, fine. I'm George." He held out his hand. "George Weasley, nice to meet you."

She slapped his arm, grinning lightly at the goofiness of his fellow housemate, and tried once again to go back to work. George sat down properly in front of her and opened the book he was carrying. However, instead of reading it, he observed the girl discreetly. Cassie had messy light red hair that stopped past her shoulders, a small nose and stormy grey eyes. Her face, usually serious and impenetrable, was contorted into a focused expression, with her eyebrows furrowed and her nose scrunched. He noticed that she had a small spot of ink in her nose, probably after all the writing she had been doing, and that her eyes, usually sad and mysterious, were tired and slightly red.

"Aren't you going to dinner either?" She inquired suddenly, startling him.

"Nah." He simply said, turning back to his book and feeling a blush creeping up his ears.

Cassie looked at him with curiosity and started gathering her things.

"Finally." She murmured, carefully rolling the scroll she had been working so hard on.

"Dinner's over by now." George stated, glancing at the clock that hung in the wall near them.

"I'm not hungry."

"Your rumbling stomach doesn't agree with you."

Cassie reddened and picked up her bag, hoisting it over her shoulder.


Not knowing exactly why, Cassie followed him out of the library. The corridor was deserted, but the faint voices of students leaving the Great Hall could be heard in the distance. George seemed to know exactly where he was going, but she felt the need to question his behaviour nevertheless.

"So," She started, "what exactly were you doing at the library? I didn't know you were aware of its existence."

George laughed heartily and put an innocent face, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Fred and I needed a Charms book. We don't get our pranks' knowledge out of thin air, you know."

"I see." She still wasn't satisfied. "What are you two planning?"

"You'll see." He said mysteriously.

They walked silently for a while, passing by small groups of Ravenclaws that were making their way up to their tower.

"Where are we going?" Cassie asked, noticing that they were in the first floor and still descending. George's eyes twinkled.

"You ask too many questions, Moore."

Turns out, he was leading her towards the kitchens. As soon as they stepped through the door, a dozen of house-elves was already asking to serve them, in their high-pitched voices. Cassie humbly asked for whatever leftovers they had from dinner, while George scarfed down a plate full of roasted meat with mashed potatoes. They even got to carry some sweets to their common room, as a gift from the elves, and left the place smiling and laughing.

"Those elves really cheer you up." Cassie mentioned, her cheeks sore from all the smiling. "I hadn't been that happy in months."

"How so?"

Her face quickly abandoned all trace of happiness, and she felt a knot forming in her throat when she tried to speak again.

"I-I don't know if I want to talk about it." She responded, almost whispering.

George glanced sympathetically at her.

"It's alright." He said softly. "I'm sorry."

Cassie nodded, and they both continued their path in silence, only biding each other goodbye when they reached the dorms' stairs.

A/N: I love writing George and Cassie interacting.

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