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The halls were completely deserted, not even a ghost in sight. An eerie silence filled them instead; no footsteps, no student chatter or scolding from any Professor could be heard. Only a sound echoed in the distance, the sound of thousands of people cheering. And that could only mean one thing.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first match of the year! Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff!"

Lee Jordan's voice boomed all through the quidditch pitch. Students cheered for their favourite team, divided in two sections: one wearing red and gold, and another with yellow and black. Cassie, sitting in a sea of red, shot a quick glance towards the Slytherin section, where their quidditch team was seated and cheering for Hufflepuff. They were supposed to be playing against Gryffindor at that very moment, but something had happened to their seeker and in the last minute they had cancelled their participation, making the lions play against Hufflepuff instead.

"And they're off! Johnson with the quaffle!" Jordan continued his commentary, and Cassie smiled. The heavy rain and strong wind made it almost impossible to distinguish one player from the other, but she could see some red blurs here and there.

"Spinnet scores!"

The Gryffindor crowd cheered loudly, Cassie with them. She knew that quidditch matches were more fun without all the bad weather, but she was having a good time despite it all. Next to her were some third years, the Weasleys' younger brother between them, and they spent the match commentating the team's plays and their chances of winning. It was quite entertaining.

However, a collection of yells quickly pulled them out of their amusement. It was difficult to see what was going on, but everyone could see clearly a human shape falling directly into the ground and being slowed down by Dumbledore.

"Harry!" Someone screamed in the crowd.

Everyone pushed their way out of the stands, trying to see what happened. Dementors were invading the quidditch pitch, to Cassie's horror, but were fended off by the Headmaster and some other teachers. Both teams were quickly retreating, but nobody missed Lee Jordan's commentary.

"Diggory caught the snitch, Hufflepuff wins the match!" His voice was filled with dread.

Cassie squinted and saw Diggory, the Hufflepuff captain, talking to Wood, and then both teams disappeared into the castle, presumably to see how the injured seeker was doing.

The dorm was empty when Cassie arrived. All her friends were at the Hospital Wing, so she had nothing to do other than homework. The fact that they all were part of the quidditch team sucked sometimes, although it allowed her to have some moments to herself or to study. It made her feel quite lonely, however, but she tried not to think about it that much. After all, she was bound to be lonely, with no family. Friendship was a new concept to the girl and felt quite confusing, because it made her think that they really didn't like the new girl hanging out with them all the time. Cassie understood this, since they already had their small clique before she arrived, but it didn't stop her from hating it.

On Sunday morning, Cassie decided to visit Potter at the Hospital Wing. She trailed behind the quidditch team and insisted on staying after they were gone. Once Harry's friends went to have lunch, she approached the seeker directly.

"Look, I'm not going to beat around the bush." She said, the words coming out a bit sharply. "I've been talking to Professor Lupin. He said you and I have things in common."

The thirteen-year-old stayed silent, his eyes wide open. Cassie sighed impatiently.

"Any ideas?"

Potter thought for a moment, and then spoke tentatively.

"A serial killer is apparently going after me." He said. "You think that may be it?"

She furrowed her brows.

"Sirius Black? I don't think..."

Harry looked like he was going to add something else but refrained himself. Still, Cassie picked up on that and pressured him. Anything that could lead to her father would be useful.

"Is there anything else?"

He stayed silent. A sliver of embarrassment could be seen in his bright green eyes.

"You can tell me anything. I know we aren't exactly friends... but I assure you nothing is leaving this room." The girl insisted, and the scarred boy finally caved.

"Fine. There's this... omen." Harry looked at her doubtfully and spoke in almost a whisper. "Do you know the Grim?" Cassie nodded. "I think I've seen it. Twice."

The redhead arched an eyebrow. An omen? That certainly didn't have anything to do with her or her father. She didn't believe in those things at all — hence why she hadn't picked Divination as an elective.

"That's not it." She sighed with frustration. "Forget all of this. I'm sorry. I hope you get well soon."

And with those words, the fifth year left the room, leaving a very confused Harry Potter behind.

On her way towards the Gryffindor tower, she bumped into the Weasley twins.

"Cass! What a wonderful surprise." They greeted, bowing playfully. Cassie smiled slightly.


She still hadn't talked with Fred about what had happened the other night. Her cheeks reddened at the thought, and she opted to study the twins' faces as to decide who was which one.

"Join us for lunch?" One of them, she thought he was George, asked. She looked at his twin, who had raised one eyebrow and sported a smirk in his face. Definitely, that was Fred.

"No, sorry." Cassie quickly excused herself, trying to walk past them. "Not hungry."

George shrugged and they disappeared from sight, making the girl heave a relieved sigh. Things could get really messy if he found out, and Cassie didn't want to end that friendship. Nor she wanted to start a relationship with Fred.

"Hey." A hand grabbed her arm, making her jump in surprise. It was Fred. "We kind of need to talk."

Cassie just looked at him, not knowing what to say.

"Listen." He started, his eyes serious for the first time since Cassie had known him. "I only kissed you to calm you down, alright?"

"I'm sorry." She felt her cheeks redden. "I panicked and didn't know what to do."

Fred grinned at her and scratched the back of his head.

"You haven't told anyone, right?"

"Not a soul."

"We should... forget about this whole thing."

"I agree." Cassie looked at him in the eye, something she wasn't used to do. Relief flooded his gaze, and she smiled ever so slightly.

As they parted ways, she heard him shout behind her:

"Good kissing, by the way!"

Cassie laughed and flipped him off. She felt ashamed for her actions, but seeing Fred being so nice to her, despite the awkwardness of the conversation, relieved her. In the back of her head, the small voice that had been spewing negative things over the past few days, became lower, although it remained there.

The Cassiopeia Project [George Weasley] ✓Where stories live. Discover now