Chapter 1 Vacation

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My head was throbbing as I put on a ratty, busted up looking life vest that was under my seat. At the moment before I die let me intorduce myself, I'm Lila Hylaya a girl from Wisconsin. Now, I'm in Australia on a rusty old plane trying to get to a hotel where my bag is. Its on an island close to central Australia. Sadly, I don't think that I would make it to the hotel to get my precious precious bag...

Here is how it all started...

My parents and I had just gotten to Australia all the way from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Boy was it a long flight. Almost fifteen hours of a little brat kicking my seat from behind. When it stopped just for a hour, I figured the little booger had finally fallen asleep. Thank God. I was getting a headache from that kid. Anyway we had just go to the airport and me and my parents walked to the baggage claim. We were waiting for my suitcase when the baggage spinney thing stopped. All I was thinking was, What the heck! They lost my bag! My bag had all of my clothes in it and my favorite painting off two horses grazing in a field with mountains behind it. That was my best painting that I had ever made. Now all of my work was gone. It took me hours to make it. Gosh I hate flying! We had to go to the lady at the desk on the other side of the airport. Just great! It turned out my precious bag was on one of the islands near the very edge of Australia. Now I have to take a stupid plane all the way to that island to get my bag. Well at least I don't have to go with my parents. They were also bugging me on the plane about what we were going to see there and they were talking about how I should be dressing better even though jeans and a t-shirt that has a picture of a horse on it is perfectly fine. Well at least there will be super cute Australia hotties there. One good thing about this trip.

It turns out the plane was an old reck. It was red and looked like sorry for the language but it looked like hell, it had scratchs and the pilot was old and looked like he had been living since 1909. Gosh, there was no way I was getting on that plane until I saw the hottest guy I have ever seen in my life get onto the plane. I quickly jumped on the plane and sat across from him. Inside the plane there were two ratty old seats in the front and there were tons of buttons. I took my cellphone out of my pocket and turned it off. I noticed that I was sitting on a red bench that creaked everytime I moved a centimeter. The pilot got in the front and started the engine. It was the loudest sound that I have ever heard. If you were deaf you could here it. Thats how loud it was. I sat there admiring the guys arms, his muscles were probaly bigger than my head. He had blue eyes that were as blue as the sea. Gosh, it was like I was in a dream staring at my dream guy. He had hair that was short but spiked a little in the front. He was wearing a blue surfer shirt that matched his eyes. And black swim trunks. Gosh why did he have to be so cute. I think he was checking me out too.

Staring at him I didn't notice that the pilot was yelling,"Put your life jackets on." I didn't even notice that the plane took off either.

"What!" I shouted,"Why!"

"We are going to crash in the water!" he shouted," You need to put the life jacket on that is under your seat."

Quickly I pulled the ratty old life jacket on that looked like it got in a fight with a cat that had really sharp claws. Though it took some muscle to be able to get the dang thing out from under the seat. Good thing that I run and play football. "When I say three you both have to jump. Okay" the pilot yelled. You could tell he was sweating really badly becuase his whole face was shiny with sweat drops on it. The pilot looked a bit nervous which probably explained the sweat.

As the water got closer I was thinking how the heck am I supposed to get out of the plane. I might as well die, I've lost my painting that was my life"s work and now I going to die on my family trip to Australia. Wait till my friends here that I died on my vacation. Oh wait I'll be dead! I'm always the one with bad luck. I was thinking so hard that I forgot I was about to die. I turn towards the cute boy and I see him gesturing with his hands for me to come over. I'm just like okay, sure, ofcourse I'll do that. I mean if we werent about to die I would probably would had of flirted with him but instead I quickly ran next to him and he wrapped his arms around me. He gave me this look like is this okay and of course I nodded with a cheeky smile on my face.

The adorable guy grasped one of his soft muscular arms around my nice thin waist as he opened the door that led out of the side of the plane. A little voice said three and we were in the sky falling from the the sky. His arms were still rapped tightly around my waist. And I was thinking will I live to beable to be with this guy. He seemed very sweet. Thats when we hit the cold, dark water of th sea....

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