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I was getting ready for my dance class when my older sister entered my room, I could see she is tired because her exam week starts in two days and she is always in her room studying.

'Hey Asia, getting ready for your training?' she asked me with her well known smile.

'Yeah' I answered her and continued packing my bag:'What's with your studying?'

'It's okay, I guess'

'So, what's up?' I asked her, she's not coming into my room often, usually she is here when she wants to talk about something serious.

'You know it's my exam week, right?'

I nodded my head yes, but what does it have with this?

'Santiago will pick you up after your dance class and you'll spend few days with him' she smiled a little:'Just so I can concentrate on my studying'

Santiago would usually take care of me when my sister was busy with studying so this wasn't new for me.

'He can wait for me here, he doesn't  have to pick me up' I told her.

'Yeah, about that... he wants to  talk to your teacher because you will miss next class'

'I can say that to her by myself'

I didn't like when someone would come to pick me up especially after training, I  have my friends and I like to walk with them, I mean I am 17 and I can take care about myself.

'Spill it out, Sophia'

'You know it's been a while since you have been to a dentist...'

'I am NOT going, forget it'

'It's just Santiago, you know him and you like him, he would  never hurt you'

'Sophia, I won't argue about this, I am not going, not without you'

'Sweetie, he will just take a look at your teeth and it will be over before you know it and if something is wrong I will go with you so we can deal with it'

'Bye, Sophia, you know I am not going, and of discussion'

'It's not that scary, just imagine me being there and it will take less than 15 minutes'

I grabbed my phone and bag heading to my dance class. It's been almost a year since I am with my new group and they became my second family, with all that competitions and trainings we had to become so close.

Because I was lost into my taughs I almost was late, but somehow I made it on time.

My group and I chatted for a little and after that we had to start, I really loved feel I had while I was dancing, I would just forget about all my problems and just enjoy music.

We ended up having dance battle and started laughing after that, class was over and we got back to our chatting.

Someone entered the gym and all of us turned to the door, but I immediately regretted my decision. There was standing  my future brother in law, dressed in jeans and tight shirt that made his six pack even more visible, if that was even possible. His hair was stiled and he had his well known perfect smile.

My friends were amazed by his look and asked who he is, while I just wanted to run away or hide somewhere.

'Hi, I am looking for Asia' he greeted  my dance teacher and all attention was now on me, I could see my teacher was amazed by his look too, because she started playing with her hair.

'Who is that run away model who is looking for you?' one of my friends asked still looking at him, just as the rest of the group.

'My soon to be brother in law, who is taking care of me for the weekend'

'You can call us to hang out at his place' one of them suggested and I playfully hit her on the arm.

'He is not from this town'

'I can't believe how lucky you are, if my sister had this guy for a fiance I would be always with him'

'Stop daydreaming, he is taken'

I interrupted talk Santiago and my teacher had, I hoped she won't allow me to skip training but when she saw him she forgot how strict she is.

'Yeah, she can skip it, see you later and have a good time'

Great, just great.

I waved to my friends before we headed to his car and he was cheerful as always.

'Ready for a funny weekend?'

'With you being my dentist?' I looked at him:'Hell, no'

'C'mon don't think about that now' he smiled a little:'Are you hungry, we can go and eat somewhere if you want'

'I am not eating after training' I told him and we quietly sat in the car.

He is really nice guy, like one of the loving guys you would see in romantic movies, but it's just that I really doesn't like his profession.

My sister and him met almost two years ago when she started dental school and he was at final year teaching her group something as he was best in his class.

It was just my luck that my future brother in law was my dentist and my sister is studying to become one.

'How was your training?' he asked trying to start conversation with me, but I really wasn't in the mood for that.

'It was okay, I guess'

'You're planning to worry about that appointment whole night?' he asked me.

'Leave me alone, I don't want to talk about that'

Rest of the ride to his apartment I spent on my phone, reading a book I liked and texting my friend.

He opened the door for me and I headed to take a shower, then I was finally calm again, it helped me a lot.

'Can I talk to you for a minute?' he asked and I felt bad for treating him so harsh before.

'Yeah' I followed him to a living room and took a seat next to him on the sofa.

'So what do you want to talk about?'

'Tell me what's worrying you so much' he smiled a little:'Right now I am just fiance of your sister, not your dentist'

I looked at him thinking should I talk to him or not.

'Promise me you won't laugh or judge me'

'Of course I won't'

'It's just that I am scared that something is wrong and you will have to fix my teeth and that Sophia and you would judge me and be disappointed' I felt tears forming in my eyes.

'We would never judge you, it's my job to take care of people's teeth and I am here to help you' he hugged me tightly:'Is something bothering you?'

I taught about lying to him, but there's no point in that when he will find sooner or later. It's better for me to tell him this myself than him find out.

'One of my back teeth is hurting me for a while' I said scared:'Please don't tell Sophia'

'I am glad you told me' he smiled a little:'Do you want some painkillers?'

'No, it's not hurting me now, just when I eat' I shook my head.

'We will take care of it, don't worry'

'But it's first time one of my teeth is bothering me'

That was the truth, I had never had a cavity in my life before.

'It's happening, even Sophia and I get cavities sometimes' he told me:'It's not funniest thing getting them fixed, but it's not bad as you think'

'But you won't do it without Sophia, I need her to hold my hand, she is always with me, right?'

'I promise you that, I will just check your teeth tomorrow' he smiled and we spent rest of the night watching movies  and having fun without talking about teeth or dentist related stuffs.


Tell me in the comments if you liked this part. :)

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