Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I awake in my cold and lonely bed and instantly feel sad, the girls and i have been down and boring for weeks now and its starting to get really scary, i haven’t laughed in who knows how long and don’t get me started on how much i have eaten because it brings me to tears knowing that proper food hasn’t touched my stomach for so long. Blake and Jace try and help us through it but nothing gets us smiling. Niall left one of his Jack Wills jackets here and i haven’t really gotten out of it except for when we go to school, which is hell. The first day we got back from our little week off we were bombarded with questions and girls looking at us like we could bring them back in an instant and we had to sign there CDs and little things of theres. We just told them to go away and that we cant bring them back for them they gave us glares...wait...they STILL give us glares because of that. My favourite teacher has noticed our change and is all sad when she sees us like we are. I just don’t wont to do this anymore, i hate my life at the moment, Niall cant call me for a few weeks and i cant call him because of this stupid ‘no communicating’ game thing that management have put on so that means no tweets, phone calls, texts, nada, nothing at all.

“Come on Jess its time to get up” Blake says walking into my room where im sitting cross legged on my bed staring at the wall in front of me,

“Ill be right, im not going to school today” i tell him and he sighs, if i don’t wont to go than he knows not to make me go and Jace knows it too,

“Alright well Jace and I are leaving soon so we’ll see you later” i nod slowly still looking at the wall, he kisses the top of my head, “it will all be fixed soon Jess, i promise” then his gone like how fast Niall left my grasp.

I walk down stairs slowly with no expression on my face; i see that Haylee is sitting in the lounge room on the couch watching a black screen on the TV...with no expression. i walk into the kitchen and see Katie pouring cereal into a bowl...with no expression. As i sit on a stool i see Melody drag herself into the kitchen and over to the fridge...with no expression. Lily walks into the room and just stands at the door looking at the wall in front of her...again with no expression. We are all so dull and it sucks big time, “can you pass me the apple juice?” i ask no bubbleyness in my voice like it normally has, no, now its all sad and crackly, Melody who looks at me with sadness grabs out a large bottle and passes it to me, “thank you” i mumble sadly. Haylee trudges into the room and gets the milk out of the fridge and passes it to Katie who pours some into her cereal,

“Im sick of this” Lily whispers and we all hum in agreement, “we should be partying like all the other teenagers” she whispers again and we all hum again, “not sitting around being low life we-just-lost-the-loves-of-our-lives people” she once again whispers and we all hum once again in agreement, “so what are we gonna do about?”

“Nothing” Katie, Haylee, Melody and I speak up,

“Good enough for me” she mumbles almost too low to hear.


I look towards the front door where i just heard the door bell ring, “ill get it” i say getting up from my seat and trudging off to the door where i can hear people mumbling, i swing the door open and standing there is our care man who comes and checks on us every now and then and two other people, a lady in probably her thirties, has long pin straight hair kind of the colour of mine but a bit darker, dark blue eyes, perfect tan, and is wearing thongs (A/N Aussies call them thongs but others call them flip flops) a white spaghetti strap top and brown 1/3 pants. There is also a man in probably his forties wearing a blue t-shirt with some black scribbled writing on it, his got black pants on and runners (A/N or you may call them trainers).

“Hey Jess, how are you?” Mark our care man asks, i look at the man who has green eyes and brown hair, he is wearing a black top that has his name written on it (its his work top), black  shorts and runners (trainers).

“Im...fine” i say pausing then wincing when i remember Niall i sigh,

“Did someone hurt you?” i shake my head and allow the people to enter the house,

“Im going to go and put on some nicer clothes, ill be back in a minute” i tell them when they sit in the lounge,

“Err there are more people coming here, they are on their way now” Mark informs me and i nod, running up the stairs in a rush. I burst into my room and into my cupboard, i throw on black skinny jeans, a white singlet and Nialls aqua blue ‘JW’ jacket that he left for me, i also slide on my blue Ugg boots too, then im back down stairs in a flash, as soon as i enter the room everyone turns to stare at me, three new boys have joined our gathering now and they all look to be in there early twenties, “ok Jess, this is the Kent family” mark gestures to the people in my lounge, i try to smile but its hard because i haven’t in so long...weeks...

“Hello” i croak, “umm mark, where are the other girls?” he smiles,

“Did you just wake up?” i shake my head and he continues all confused because of my answer, “oh, well they came and said hi, then went back to their rooms i think” i nod then sit down on a chair,

“Whats wrong sweetheart?” the lady asks me looking sad,

“Nothings wrong” i tell her trying to smile but it turns into a grimace,

“I know that look” one of the boys speak and im gob smacked at his strangely familiar accent, i look at him, his hair is dyed blond and is spiked up at the back and straight for his fringe, he has blue eyes and he is REALLY tanned, he is wearing a white t-shirt with a semi-naked girl on it, knee length black cut off jean shorts and white canvas shoes that are kind of brown on the front, “you just had a break up with someone you really really liked” he smiles like he won a prize, but for me i was dying inside,

“Bingo” i whisper,

“Excuse me?” he asks leaning forward with a questioning look in his eyes,

“i said bingo” his smile fades, “you nailed it right on the head” i mumble with a tear rolling down my cheek,

“Who is the basted that broke up with you?” another guy asks in that strangely familiar accent, i flick my eyes to see another tanned male with brown messy hair thats half in a beanie half out, he is wearing a white top with a hole in its shoulder and has a picture of someone on a BMX, he is wearing blue skinny jeans with big holes on the knee parts and black worn out ‘DC’ shoes,

“He wasn’t a basted, he was the best thing in the world” i mumble looking at the floor,

“How did you break up then?” the last guy asks his voice too was something i just cant place, i look up to see him looking at me sadly, he is not that tanned and has black hair, he is wearing a charcoal black top with a howling wolf on it white jean shorts (not cut off) and also black canvas shoes,

“He was on tour with his band mates and had to go back home” they all give me weird looks,

“Anyway Jess?” Mark says breaking the silence, “i don’t want you to freak out but these people...”

“We are your real family” the man in his forties informs me and my eyes go wide not only because i think he may be my dad but because his voice is coated in a strong  accent i only too well know as...British...


Whoa were you expecting that? I hope you enjoyed it!


Ily <3

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