Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I grab Niall’s hand as we all scramble into the red hummer limo which has ‘ONE DIRECTION’ spread across each side in black writing (of course its the ‘One Direction’ font that we see everywhere).

The drive there is filled with screaming girls on the side of the street, shouldn’t they be at home eating dinner with their family and in the morning getting ready for school, thats what i would of been doing if i had a family...

“Are you ok love?” Niall whispers in my ear, i whip my head around to be met with those beautiful blue eyes of his that i love so much.

“Of course i am, i was just thinking, shouldn’t they be at home?” i look behind us out the back window where i can see lots and lots of girls running after us...tsk tsk you silly women...

“Ok just checking and yeah i know silly girls” i start laughing at Nialls face that he pulled,

“You are like the cutest most adorable person i have ever met” i exclaim still giggling like a manic. Im laughing so much that i almost miss the fact that the car has stopped and the boys were getting ready to get out, “oh are we there already?” Niall nods and takes my hand tugging on it lightly.

“Come on we’re last getting out” Niall informs me, the door to the limo gets pulled open, flashing lights blind my eyes, whoa who the hell turned out the lights and deafened me, screams have erupted around me and once i look up to be ready to get out i see that there is a red carpet and all the boys and girls have already gotten out looking around at the lights, cameras and fans. “Ready Jess?” i nod and Niall jumps out, screams get louder as soon as he does, see people do so love him! Niall grabs my hand and starts to pull me closer to the door, flashing around me hurts my eyes and i think Niall notices this because he grabs me under the arms and lifts me out pulling me to his body to whisper, “are you alright babe?”

“Yeah, just blinded by the flashes” he chuckles and pulls out of our hug to show me to the world, so many girls are ‘awing’ at us its crazy, he tugs on my hand pulling it away from his to wrap his arm around my waist to keep me close.

I hear lots of girls screaming at Niall telling him they love him and that they wish for him to marry him and stuff like that most of all they are just plain screaming at the top of their lungs for him to walk over there and sign something, “bebs you should sign a few things, they would love that” i point to a bunch of girls looking hopeful.

“You reaken?” i nod,

“Yep” i tell him popping the ‘p’,

“Ok then” he walks over to the girls still with his hand around my waist, the girls who were looking hopeful perk up at the sight of him walking in their direction (LOL), “Hey ladies, how are you?” he asks letting go of my waist to sign her CD case and a piece of paper with her red sharpie, “I love your jacket” he informs her smiling,

“Ah-go-good-and-th-th-thank you Niall” she blushes, i look at the hoodie shes wearing, its a green one that says ‘JW’ in the left corner, letting people who see it know that its from ‘JACK WILLS’, she turns to look at me, “can you sign the paper to?” she asks lightly still blushing,

I look at Niall and he nods, “Sure why not” i grab her red sharpie but pause, i don’t know what to write, i join the tip of the sharpie to the paper and write what comes to mind in the fanciest way i can ‘Jessica K, luv ya <3’ i pull away the pen and admire my handiwork, oh yeah i did that,

“Thank you so much, follow me on twitter, heres my name” she hands me a card that has a name and a username for twitter on it.

“I will” she beams a bright smile at me as do i, then i feel Niall pull us away,

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