Part 2 Windy: Yellow Sunflowers

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Mother and father had brought me to the hospital after the school doctor told them to do so however i didn't see the point. "Mom,dad I'm fine. Why are we even here?" Mother looked over at me "because it is better to know for sure than to risk anything bad happening to you" she touched my nose with one of her fingers to show affection however i just sighed and a nurse came over "The Hatore family i assume ?" Mom and dad nodded then got up to follow the nurse "come on Windy there is nothing to be afraid of they are just going to scan you then we'll be free to go" i got up with another sigh and followed them. The nurse made me change into a hospital gown then i had to lie down in a machine that would scan me. The doctors had a specific name for it but to me it will always just be a wierd scanning machine that made strange noises. Mother and father were waiting in a safe room outside and i was put in the machine. It didn't take long before the nurse told me i could change back to my normal clothes and go wait with my mum and dad so the doctors could examine the scan. "See that wasn't so bad" my dad said as i sat down "it was boring and i could still smell the person before me" mother chuckled "you know that isn't possible sweety" i rolled my eyes and looked at a poster that was on the wall. It was a poster to help people to not be afraid and to explain what the machine would do, Absolutely boring! After a while wich was longer than my mum and dad told me it would a doctor and a nurse came back then told my mum and dad they wanted to talk to them in private. It was quite suspicious so i pushed my ear against the door behind wich they were talking to the doctors so i could hear. I mean it was about me so why shouldn't i hear it? I heard the doctors say they found something that they had never seen before. After that they most likely showed my mum and dad as i heard them gasp "i know it was fishy when she was just brought to us as a baby" i frowned as up to this point i had thought they were my real parents.. sure we don't look alike at all as both my parents have black hair where i have blonde hair my eyes well i've never met anyone else who has red eyes.. well maybe that albino girl i saw on vacation but i'm not an albino as far as i know. The doctors continued to talk about some unimportant stuff then they said they wanted to learn more about me so they wanted to keep me here under the ruse of being hospitallized for some deadly disease. I noticed i was grumbling and i could hear them stop talking so i immideately sat back down on one of the chairs. After a minute or so mum and dad came back looking worried "honey we have bad news" i rolled my eyes again of course having listened to the conversation "i already know the news, i'm booored !" I knew i would be in trouble if they found out i had listened in but one thing led to another and they ended up putting me in a hospital bed in the childrens wing. I had one roommate who didn't do much other than sleeping and sometimes eating or drinking but well she was quite boring a nurse brought me flowers that had come from what she said was a family member they were sunflowers and she put them on the bedside table. "Don't they have something better than flowers?" I said to the nurse "flowers are boooring ! Give me something fun other than this blank hospital room and ms i'm already dead over there" the nurse was obviously offended and just walked off without saying anything however the look on her face told me enough "i wouldn't like me either if i were you ! I'd want me out of here!" I chuckled silently then got up to look at my roommate "hey" i poked her "hey wake up princess of boring town" i poked her again "wake up!" I yelled causing another nurse to come in "what are you doing out of bed" i grinned "annoying you so i can grab a ride on the back home train" the nurse walked over to me menacingly but she was small and plump looking more like an adorable hamster than some angry adult " i'm not afraid of hamsters you know" i said as her face became pouty and red with anger "aren't nurses supposed to be caring for you? Well i don't see any care here! Did i already tell you this secret : i'm bored i'm bored i'm bored!" The nurse seemingly kept swelling up to the point where i thought she would explode "BACK INTO YOUR BED NOW!" She yelled as she pointed at my hospital bed i went back into it mumbling "boring" that same night i woke up from a noise like someone had tripped over something i looked over and saw a figure lying on the floor "huh? Are you another one of those boring nurses?" The figure got up then looked over at me "wait you can see me ?" They got closer to me and all i could clearly see were two glowing yellow eyes "what kind of question is that? Of course i can" the figure lifted up one hand then created a fire out of nothing so they could see me better. I could now see that he was a man and defenitely not a nurse "odd" he seemed to be looking at me intently as he wiped a tuft of bright red hair out of his face "what is ?" I frowned then heard the heart monitor of my roommate flatline and the man turned around "crap i missed it" he looked all over the room then found something that looked like a white shiny ball of light "what is that?" I said as i pointed at it he caught it then looked back over at me "you can see souls too ?" He put it into a jar he had hidden in the inner pocket of his jacket then walked back over to me "is that what they are called?" I looked at him and he nodded "yeah." He stopped for a moment as if he didn't know what to say "why are you here kid?" I sighed "because the people of this hospital are boring. They did this scan and now they want to know more. I wasn't supposed to know that but i listened in on them talking to my parents. Then they told me i had some disease that might kill me but i know that is baloney. Oh i'm Windy by the way" he nodded "i'm Litch however if what i think is correct" he walked over to my bedside and clumsily knocked over the vase of flowers "oh come on" he looked at the vase wich had shattered into a billion pieces and tried to pick some of it up before he held up a key "why the heck is this in a vase of flowers" i looked at it and noticed it had a sunflower printed on the side however Litch had noticed too "oh ha ha very clever for whomever did that there is a sunflower on the side" he handed it over to me "it must be yours though"

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