Part 3 the soldier: Red Ivy

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I looked at the map i had revised that would allow me to escape the war however i did not think there would be this many enemies. I looked trough a small window and saw their ships fly around almost as if they were dancing with our own ships or tardises as we called them. I would have to play it smart to escape before the timelock went up. I looked at my watch and saw my reflection my copper colored hair put back in a ponytail and my clothes tattered. If i wanted a chance i would have to improvise my way there. I had found a broken down tardis not too far from my bunker and noticed it only needed one part. I have the part but seeing as there are more Dalek's then i initially expected there to be around these parts it only complicated things further. I grabbed my tattered bag wich held the part within and opened the door to the outside. There was nobody there so i started to make my way across the field in wich lay many dead timelords. "I have been lucky so far please let luck be on my side for one more time. After that you may litter me with all the bullshit you can muster" i whispered to myself knowing nobody would answer. I walked on hiding behind some large rocks from time to time to listen though i could hear nothing but weapons fire and the screaming of some daleks in the distance. I turned the corner of a ruined house and saw the broken down tardis right in front of me however i would be out in the open and there just so happened to be a few daleks patrolling right next to the house "i ask for luck and i get shit" i whispered again as i looked around for another way. That is when i noticed a dalek not too far from me. It was lying on it's side wich was quite unnatural indicating that the creature within had perished i crouched over to it and pulled it up from the dusty sand it was in having it sit upright before opening it up. And indeed the dalek inside was dead i have no clue how it happened but it seemed my luck had not run out.. yet "i take my cynicism back" i said as i pulled the carcass out of the armor. I took a deep breath then got into the armor luckily for me i was quite small so it wasn't much of an issue space wise. I plugged myself into the interface then closed the armor again before slowly moving past the daleks that were around they were too occupied with being on the lookout that they didn't even second guess me moving past them. As soon as i was out of sight i entered the tardis and closed the doors before exiting the dalek armor and patting it on the top "well you are very useful indeed" i moved over to the console and grabbed the part from my back before attaching it to the mechanism. The tardis light up and i looked over at the in build clock "no time to lose" i said as i put in some coördinates i didn't know where it would lead me but anywhere was better than here on gallifrey. I put in a random time and activated the travel mechanism and before i knew it i was in a different place "now let's see where i ended up" i said as i walked over to the doors and yanked them open, i could see flowers lots of them "a garden?" I said as i walked outside i looked back at my tardis as it aswell had flowers all over it aswell as it had taken the forme of something similar to a garden shed that was overgrown with plants.. i walked around and noticed it was actually part of a large park that had some people dotted here and there. I picked up some dirt off of the ground and tasted it as this was the easiest way for me to tell where i was. Sure the tardis might have had some way to tell me too but i suppose i'm a bit old fashioned wich isn't that odd seeing as i was brought up by my grandparents. From the taste and pollution grade of the dirt i could tell that i had landed on earth. End 20th century i could see a few kids sitting under a tree playing with a gameboy color i could tell they were enjoying themselves with it. I heard the doors of my tardis open then close shut with a loud bang making me turn around swiftly but on my toes. Did someone have the same idea and are they trying to sneak off now? I thought but saw nobody so i walked over to the tardis and opened the doors. "Hello?" I said as i peeked inside but i got no answer i walked back in and noticed that instead of just the suit of armor there was before there was now a second dalek suit of armor.. however this one was not empty it turned around to look at me and i had instinctively grabbed a pipe i had found earlier back on gallifrey. I knew it would not help much with a dalek but it was worth a try to trick it into thinking i had a very deadly weapon "don't move or i will shoot you with this... this ultramegablaster 4400" my voice quivered a little and the dalek just stared at me "that is a pipe" it said with the regular monotone dalek voice "no it's not! It's an ultramegablaster 4400 and it will blast you straight back to where you came from!" It moved towards me slightly "you are crazy" it said before turning around i noticed a key dangling off the side of it that had a red color similar to the color of the dalek. "You do not scare me" it said pausing for a moment "not with a pipe at least. You will have to find something more menacing than that. However i will not exterminate you. Those days are behind me.." it turned to me again "you can call me Ivy"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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