Chapter five: Oops

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We walked for a few hours and I didn't say anything. I was too busy thinking. Ash, Clemont, and Bonnie were all talking but not me.

Every now and there I would see worried glances from Ash. If only he knew. We walked all day until it was finally night.

"We should camp out for the night." Clemont said. We nodded our heads and I let Blaze out.

"Blaze, can you start a fire?" I ask. " Fennekin!" It cries. It then uses ember on the pile of sticks.

We set up our sleeping bags and Bonnie came over to me. "Blaze is super cute! Can I pet it?" She asks, smiling.

I smile back and nod my head. She squels and walks to Blaze and pets her. It cries out in happiness and Bonnie giggles.


It was fully dark out now, Clemont and Bonnie were asleep, while me and Ash were awake.

"So what have you been doing in Kalos for the past five years?" He asks me, sitting besides me.

"Nothing really. Just been watching my dad train his pokemon. Until I got Pika." I say and pet Pika.

"Well I've had a big adventure that's not over yet. I've been too Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova. I've made so many friends and had so many battles!" He said smiling.

I smile back. "At least one of us kept the promise." I say. "What do you mean? Your journy only just began, it gets better soon." He says.

"Ash." I say. He looks at me. "Yeah?" He asks. "I now I shouldn't have but this morning I looked at the scrapbook on your desk. Sorry." I apoligize.

"Its ok. I was gonna show you it. Here, you can look at it more." He says pulling it out and handing it too me.

Great, please don't cry. I look at the girls who are smiling with him or doing silly things. I almost started to cry.

"Violet, you've been acting strange all day. Please tell me what's the matter."He says.

I shut the bok and give it back too him. "I'm fine." I say. My tone was a little bit harsh. It was starting to get on my nerves when he kept asking me.

"Violet, please." He says and tries to grab my hand. I quickly pull away and snap. "IM FINE!!! ITS NOT MY FAULT I LOVE YOU!!" I yell.

Realizing what I said I cover my mouth and start to cry. "I'm sorry...." I say before running off into the woods.

"VIOLET!!!" I here Ash scream, but I ignore it. I keep on running. How could I snap at him? Why did I say it?

"Pi Pi Pikachu!!" I hear. I look too see Pika right behind me. "Pika..." I say and stop running so she could jump onto me.

Once she was on my back I started to run again. "I can't go back....not after what I did." I say.

It starts to rain and the more I go into the forest, the darker it gets. I then trip and twist my ankle.

"Pika, go look for help." I say. I couldn't move at all. Pika nodded her head and ran off.

I crawled into a ball to wait for her and cried. I heard a rustle coming from the bushes next to me.

Thinking it was Pika, I sat up and looked too find a swarm of beedril that looked mad.

Frighted, I screamed and tried to crawl away. I only got a foot away before one struck me.

It didn't use a powerful attack but it still hurt. "Help!" I cry. I then see two lighting bolts striking the beedrils till they left.

It was Pika and another pikachu. I then was swooped up into someones arms. It was Ash.

"Don't scare me like that Violet." He said, running away with our pokemon behind.

I was speechless, so instead I just cried in his arms.

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