~ my little sadist ~airachnid x femme reader

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   You were a sadist ,you enjoyed killing and torturing people for the enjoyment of it. You had lost tract of how many people you killed after 358.  Today you were planning on killing. Someone with more of a challenge, that cybertronian was going to be the leader of the decepticons him self .

Lord megatron .

      As you got close to the nemesis you transformed into ( Aerial vehicle ) and flew into the soft clouds . the gravity felt a bit lighter than how it was back on cybertron .

       You soon made your way onto the nemesis . the vehicons aimed their weapons at you . you figured out what to do inmediatly as you said " relax im a decepticon like you i just gotta deliver a message to lord megatron " . one of the vehicons escorted you to megatrons private area then left you alone with him ..

      " who the frag are you " megatron asked you with a angered look . you smirked as you pulled out your weapon as you said darkly " your killer ". You blasted ( fav tf gun ) at him but he dodged. The hit .

   He grabbed you by the neck and je kicked you between the legs right in your lady spot . he yelled " how dare you challenge me lord megatron of the decepticons " .

      As soon as you were about to attack back he threw you onto the cold hard metal ground knocking you out unconscious . as you were blacking out you were preparing to surrender to death knowing this was the end .

      But suddenly you woke up and you were still alive or at least you hoped so . you looked arround to see where you were to find out you were in a cold dark cave whike your wrist was tied to the wall. By some type of silk thing .

  " are you enjoying the place my dear " a femme voice asked you from the cave . you looked to the direction but who ever it was they were to deep in the cave for you to see who it was . " Show your self " you demanded .

      Whoever it was said " well well that isnt nice at all sweetspark. " . suddenly they came out to reveal a femme spider like cybertronian . she said " i mean after all i was the one who saved you " . you didnt believe her at all at that last part why wpuld she save you a neautral .

    But if she did you were curious on why would she save you so you decided to ask . you sneered angrily at her " and why would you go out of your own way to save me ".

    She got up one inch infront if your face and said " because your like me my dear a sadist besides you kinda cute so i will be keeping you and perhaps if lucky enough it would convince you to be my conjunx endura ". There was no way you were gonna be your captures junixe but you stood silence .

     She continued " also the names airachnid sweetspark dont forget it " . she leans in and kisses you on the lips forcefully .

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